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汝等,可敢挡我!Dare you block me!

这是一种心理障碍,一种恐惧症。It’s a mental block.

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挡次更加高。Block times more high.

程序启动街区。BBL Program boot block.

卷控制块?。VCB? Volume Control Block?

我们住在同一个街区。We live on the same block.

你是怎么拦住我的扣球的?。How did you block my spike?

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软脚流氓不能进行阻挡。Spineless Thug can't block.

我们在大楼周围散步。We walked around the block.

字串是一个文字区块。A string is a block of text.

天柱峰上有座“莲花顶”。There are Block "lotus top."

你认识默林跟布洛克吗?。Do you know Maylin and Block?

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不要阻塞超车道。Don't block the passing lane.

哈罗小块树脂板。Haro Small Block Resin pedals.

在这里我们有一个重复模块。So here we have a repeat block.

那楼是去年建的。That block was built last year.

飞思卡尔MPC5121e方块图Freescale MPC5121e block diagram

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图块的使用方法。The create and use of the block.

书本不常翻,不过是块砖。Book that is shut is but a block.

整个街区银装素裹,洁白无暇。The entire block is white, clean.