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我们不能让这种势头减弱。We cannot let this momentum wane.

然后,点滴里的药劲儿开始过去。Then something in the drip began to wane.

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这位年轻外交官开始倒运了。The fortune of the young diplomat began to wane.

月亮渐渐变圆直至满盈,然后再变亏缺。The moon wax till it become full, and then wane.

水居跟洋真的要蹭?相思梦已断、花有凋零时。Lovesickness dream broke, the flower has on the wane when.

而另一组人的注意力则在廿分钟过后逐渐走下坡。Other groups saw their attention spans wane after 20 minutes.

对病毒的免疫能力随着时间减弱,他说。The levels of immune response tend to wane with time, he said.

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英国明星的影响力似乎日渐衰微。The star power of British celebrities appears to be on the wane.

不管你相不相信,天鹅肉常常就是被癞蛤蟆吃掉的。Whether you believe it or not, the wane is always eaten by the toad.

同属鹰派的副总统迪克·切尼,也看到了他影响力的日薄西山。Dick Cheney, the hawkish vice-president, has seen his influence wane.

浪漫主义的“神界”在瓦格纳之后,开始走向了黄昏。The romanticism "Gotterdammerung" has since been on the wane after Wagner.

将来某一天,我们的对外影响,特别是在东亚的影响,将会减弱。Someday in the future, our influence abroad, and in East Asia especially, will wane.

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但是在拉法耶.贝尼特斯地位越来越弱的那段时期,他的位置一直没有能确定下来。But he never settled during a period when Rafael Benitez’ reign was beginning to wane.

瓦内指出,尼日尔需要帮助,因为重新安置这么多人花费相当高。Wane says Niger needs help because it is a costly operation to resettle so many people.

临床试验的一些数据表明,在三到五年后有免疫力的分子可能减弱。Some data from the clinical trials indicate immune molecules may wane after three to five years.

当你身处一段坚定且长久的关系之时,一些奇妙的必然性开始消退。When you're in a committed, long-term relationship, some of the magic inevitably starts to wane.

息烽温泉旅游地衰败的驱动力具有外部影响因素和内部影响因素。The driving force of the wane of Xifeng Hot Springs tourism is mixed with internal and external factors.

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主宰赛道的红鬃烈马,自由的奔腾,任意的飞驰!The raging horse with red wane dominating the racing track, is galloping freely and speeding deliberately !

成年以后,我的梦开始减少了而且我醒来后记不起任何东西。Upon reaching adulthood, my dreams started to wane and at best I could not recall any dream upon waking up.

在升降的交替中,道的盛衰盈亏两个力量也是如此。So do the dual forces of the Tao wax and wane in the alternation of upward and downward cycles, intercrossing.