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人工地把守进展导致了延迟和等待。Artificially gating progress creates delays and wait.

大多数的时间限制涉及到一个玩家闸门机制。Most time dependencies involve a player gating mechanism.

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门控时钟技术一直以来是降低芯片动态功耗的有效方法。Clock gating is a well-known technique to reduce dynamic power.

植物水通道蛋白的活性可能受门控机制调控。Plant aquaporinactivity might be regulated by gating mechanisms.

这个铸件的浇注系统一点也不复杂。The gating system of theis casting is far from being complicated.

团队甚至可以将用例的静态测试作为一个闸门机制。Teams can even use static testing of the use case as a gating mechanism.

该摄像机用于短脉冲激光照明选通成像。The camera is used in gating imaging for short pulse laser illumination.

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人类最初设门,只是为了防止爬虫猛兽的侵害。Gating the first human, but in order to prevent violation of reptiles beast.

呼吸门控提高了精度,而且有时可以引起其他问题。Respiratory gating improves accuracy but can sometimes induce other problems.

但这种通道的门控机制与其他电压门控的阳离子通道有很大的差别。But its gating mechanism is different from the voltage dependent cation channels.

为了能够减少时脉系统的功率消耗,一种新型的闸电路被提出。In order to reduce the power in the clock tree, a new gating circuit is presented.

外部电路加入回授电路中产生闸极控制信号。An external circuit is added into the feedback loop for generating the gating signals.

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并通过计算机辅助分析,为取样门管参数的选取提供了理论依据。It provided theoretical basis for the choice of gating diode by means of CAD analysis.

护耳浇口。这是用于注塑实体块形塑件的特殊浇注技术。TAB GATE This is a particular gating technique for feeding solid block-type mouldings.

如果闸道不适当,这也很可能发生在接近填充结束阶段。This is also likely to occur near the end of the filling phase if gating is inadequate.

对该浇注系统提高补缩效果的原因进行了初步分析。The reason for feeding effect improvement of the gating system is analyzed preliminarily.

时钟闸控是降低数位电路动态功率消耗的有效方法。Clock gating is an efficient way of reducing dynamic power consumption in digital circuits.

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介绍了一种用于光电倍增管的可变延迟高压门控开关电路。A high voltage gating switch of variable delay for photomultiplier tube has been fabricated.

不管你喜不喜欢,准入与限制的思路就是此类服务成功的核心秘密。Like it or not, the idea of gating and restrictions is central to the success of such services.

当不希望控制功能改变时,使用OTP特征是适当的。Using the OTP feature is suitable when you don't expect to make changes in the gating function.