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他是一个技术高超的修路工。He is a highly skilled road mender.

修理的人建议我改正图例操作规程。The mender recommends me to amend the legend agenda.

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国会不顾公众的意见,建议修改条约。The mender recommends me to amend the legend agenda.

修理工提议奉劝我修改传奇议程。the mender recommends me to amend the legend agenda.

我认出了那个建议我占有大号奖品的修理工。I recognized the mender who recommended me to seize the large-sized prize.

经理脸色变的很难看,随着门德先生出了门。The manager's face was troubled and firm. He followed Mr. Mender to the door.

民权活动家修理工已枪杀属于自己的家在密西西比州杰克森市。Civil Rights Activists Mender Evers has gunned down in front of his home in Jackson, Mississipi.

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实践表明,它既减轻了监测值班人员的工作负担,又为仪器维修人员跟踪台站仪器故障提供了帮助。The practices show that it can not only lessen the burden of operation staff but also give help to instrument mender.

“握手吧,那就,”看完了这个动作,轮到补路工说话了。两人再度握手。"Touch then. " It was the turn of the mender of roads to say itthis time, after observing these operations. They again joined hands.

“好的!”修路工神秘地说,“那高个儿不见了,到处抓他——有几个月?九个、十个、十一个月吧?”"Good! " said the mender of roads, with an air of mystery. "Thetall man is lost, and he is sought- how many months? Nine, ten, eleven?"

“看!”补路工回答,伸出了手指。“从这儿下去,对直穿过街道,经过泉水——”"See! " returned the mender of roads, with extended finger. "You godown here, and straight through the street, and past the fountain--"

补路工和他那二百五十个铁哥儿们都在泉水边交叉着双臂,望着天上的火柱。The mender of roads, and two hundred and fifty particular friends, stood with folded arms at the fountain, looking at the pillar of fire in the sky.