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会标多色的的路易威登袋格里塔是一个古典和优雅。Monogram Multicolor Louis Vuitton bags Greta is a classic and elegant.

您的东西全在里面,除了一只小皮夹子,上面有您名字的起首字母。It's all there except for a little pocketbook with your monogram on it.

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每个版面背面有太后的皇家会标。Each panel has on its reverse side the royal monogram of the Dowager Empress.

这种树叶的形状可以视作路易威登著名商标字母的一种变形。The leaf shape can be seen as bearing a connection to the famous Louis Vuitton monogram.

糊口中总会有损害你的人,所以你仍旧必要继承信赖别人,只是警惕些罢了。There will always be people who 'll hurt you monogram bronze, so you need to continue trusting , just be careful.

字母组合图案商标是由缩写交叉的LV字母组成,完成了以曲米色钻石和四角星搭配的图案。The monogram logo was made of an intersection of the initials LV, finished with a curved beige diamond and 4 point star intes.

于鞋子底部,利用激光蚀刻你的名字、组合图案、甚至是你的个人品牌名字!Whether it's your name, monogram or family crest, custom lettering and designs can be laser etched into your leather outsoles.

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网站设计者越希望在名称与字母组合中添加可信性元素,名称与字母组合的识别性越差。The more a designer takes the name or monogram and tries to add credibility traits, the less recognizable the name or monogram become.

LV式切割钻石以及谨慎加入的品牌标志花朵被整合到六个全套首饰和35件单品之中。The LV-cut diamonds and discreet inserts of the brand's signature monogram flower were integrated into the six parures and 35 other pieces.

严谨的质量管理使我们顺利地通过了ISO9001-2000质量管理体系认证,并享有美国石油协会的API“7K”“8C”会标使用权及产品自营进出口权。Strict quality control has allowed us to gain the ISO9001-2000 certificate of quality management system, and the right to use API Spec 7K, 8C monogram.

其品牌标识系统依赖于一个完全对称的会标,它的缩写,也可视化的蝴蝶,象征着美丽,演化和蜕变。Its brand identity system relies on a totally symmetric monogram of its initials, also visualizing the butterfly, symbol of beauty, evolution and metamorphosis.

一盒六件欧洲形制的象牙雕餐巾环,上雕广式缠枝牡丹,每件留有一处空白,以填所有者姓名。A boxed set of six European form ivory napkin rings carved in Cantonese Art Deco style with scrolling peonies, each with a blank panel left for owner's monogram.

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到本月为止,消费者可在该品牌网站上根据个人喜好定制此款鞋子,可自由选择色彩搭配和面料,还可选择将姓名的首字母交叉刻印在鞋底上。As of this month, they can be customized to one's liking on the brand's website with a choice of color combinations and materials, and the option to monogram the soles.

江滨路的一位摊主对记者说,相对于往年来说,今年的“福”字饰品要好卖得多。A stand lord of river shore road says to the reporter, contra says in former years, this year's"blessing" monogram article is good friends with venditio to get polypeptide.

他所走过的各条街道,家家户户的窗口都悬挂着毛毯、旗帜和皇帝姓名的花字,波兰妇女们都向他挥动手绢,表示尊敬。From every window in the streets through which he had passed draperies and flags with his monogram had been hanging, and Polish ladies had been waving handkerchiefs to welcome him.