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他回忆起上个周末。He recollected last weekend.

郭去疾这样向新浪科技回忆道。Guo Quji is recollected to sina science and technology so.

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马吕斯这才想起他身上只有十六个苏。Marius recollected that he had but sixteen sous about him.

我随即辨出那个用德语接电话的声音。Immediately I recollected the voice that had spoken in German.

马丁想起了他的素体诗悲剧,便把它寄去充数。Martin recollected his blank-verse tragedy, and sent it instead.

他回忆克朗肖经常谈起的那个波斯地毯的寓言。He recollected Cronshaw's whimsical metaphor of the Persian carpet.

“现在·此刻”汇聚铭刻了这些痕迹。The traces are engraved and recollected as a name of “now, this moment.

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在学院里我宣称忆起关于收集到度盘用方言进行的对话。In the college, I alleged that I recollected the dialog in dialect about the.

回想起他经过的美丽的奥地利国家。Lanny recollected the beautiful Austrian country through which he had passed.

兰尼回想起他经过的美丽的奥地利国家。Lanny recollected the beautiful Austrian country through which he had passed.

可是,一小我恬静下来时会感觉,曾经腻烦的那些嘈杂回忆起来很温情很纪念。However, when we are alone we feel those noisiness in the past are warmly recollected.

早饭之后,将军们又想起了昨天和第64集团军司令共进的那顿晚餐。After a breakfast, generals recollected yesterday's dinner with the commander of 64th Army.

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一位普利茨奖得主凭借回忆,对林肯的言论进行了汇总。A Pulitzer Prize–winning Civil War scholar reviews The Recollected Words of Abraham Lincoln.

这时,伯特伦姨妈已经异常清醒了,不由得想起了范妮。Her aunt Bertram had recollected her on this occasion with an unusual degree of wakefulness.

在学院,我声称我关于表盘收集用方言回忆对话。In the college, I alleged that I recollected the dialog in dialect about the dial collection.

在学院里我宣称回忆起关于收集到度盘用方言进行的对话。In the college, I alleged that I recollected the dialog in dialect about the dial collection.

在学院里我宣称忆起关于收集到度盘用方言进行的对话。In the college, I alleged that I recollected the dialog in dialect about the dial collection.

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离校前他突然想起,便把所借的书还给图书馆。Before leaving the school he recollected himself suddenly and returned the borrowed books to the library.

今天看着他在我床上玩耍,突然就想起了我的童年,然后就写下了这段文字。Today I watched him playing on my bed, so I recollected my childhood, and then wrote the following words.

因为这个原因,以至于许多年以后,在我童年的回忆中,这种气味还是占了很大的一部分!Because of this, after many years, when I recollected my childhood, the most part of memory was this smell.