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能源,水,交通,建筑。Water. Transportation.

运输能力?。Transportation Capacity?

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我将从运输工具开始说。I’ll start with transportation.

我们需求更多的夜班车。We need more night transportation.

这里的公交糟透了。Public transportation here is awful.

交通运输以海、空为主。Transportation by sea, and air-based.

安步当车是第一运输工具。Walking was the first transportation.

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智能型运输系统?。Intelligent Transportation System, ITS?

最少一立方起运!Marine transportation A Yuan per cubic !

在交通方面,我们花钱少了很多。We spend so much less on transportation.

问客人是否需要送机服务?Do you need hotel transportation service ?

你好,我想买一张交通卡。Hi, I'd like to buy a transportation card.

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运输费用也将趋近于零。Transportation costs would be next to nil.

苏黎世也是全球主要的运输枢纽。Zurich is also a major transportation hub.

台北车站是一个很大的转运站。Taipei main station is a big transportation.

火车是一种安全可靠的交通工具。The train is a safe means of transportation.

请问我得到哪里去给我的交通卡充值?Where can I recharge my transportation card?

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先进公共运输系统?。Advanced Public Transportation Systems, APTS?

联系运输公司安排发货。Contact transportation supplier for shipment.

杰出的交通设备是绝对需要的。Good transportation is an absolute necessity.