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本书中的故事是精选而编辑成册的。These stories were handpicked in the book.

朋友到农场摘的龙眼,树上熟,超甜!My friend's handpicked longans from a farm. Super sweet!

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在一次海外音乐会的时候,我还选去参加全体女子表演项目。I was handpicked to take part in an all girls performance item.

据报道说,苹果目前的管理团队全是由乔布斯经过数年的时间亲手提拔任命的。Apple's current executive team was reportedly handpicked by Jobs over the years.

他想说的是他开新加坡演唱会的歌单。What that means is a slate of songs handpicked by Lin for the Singapore concert.

这是乏味的,怪异和可笑的,而且糟糕的图像处理。This is handpicked gallery of stupid, weird, funny, and bad photoshopped posters.

我爱你至深,才会保持沉默,让你自己发现你千挑万选的朋友是个讨厌的家伙。I loved you enough to be silent and let you discover your handpicked friend was a creep?

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是达斯·维德选中她,让她在帝国情报局接受速成训练的。It was Darth Vader who handpicked Brie for accelerated training in Imperial Intelligence.

我们精心挑选出了22款又炫又有创意的杯具,现在拿来和大家分享。We’ve handpicked 22 Cool and Creative Drinking Glasses, and now want to share it with you.

卢拉亲手挑选他的幕僚长接替他,并在整个竞选活动期间始终站在她身边。Lula handpicked his chief of staff to replace him and was at her side throughout the campaign.

总理仍比他精心挑选的国家领导人梅德韦杰夫有权。Prime Minister still more powerful than his handpicked head-of-state, President Dmitry Medvedev.

贝尔斯登的董事会中的12个人大多由凯恩精心挑选,他们批准了斯派科特的离开。Bear Stearns's board -- 12 men largely handpicked by Mr. Cayne -- approved Mr. Spector's departure.

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惠塔克是由奥巴马政府亲自挑选来监督通用所需的人文改变。Mr. Whitacre was handpicked by the Obama administration to supervise the cultural shift that G.M. needs to make.

彼特雷司令是由在摩泽尔山谷里最受欢迎的斜坡上的葡萄经人工采摘酿制而成的。Peter & Peter's Riesling is crafted from handpicked grapes grown on the most favourable slopes of the mosel valley.

他依仗自己在内政部精心挑选的安全与情报势力来维护自己的统治。The president relied on his handpicked security and intelligence forces in the Interior Ministry to maintain his rule.

梅德韦杰夫,普京亲手挑选的继任者,在公民中极受欢迎,大多数外国CEO也支持他。Medvedev, Putin's handpicked successor, enjoys immense popularity among citizens, and most foreign CEOs support him too.

伊朗极端保守派挑选了内贾德,让其扫除先前改革派政府的腐败。Mr Ahmadinejad was handpicked by ultra-conservatives to sweep away the corruption of previous reform-minded governments.

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加本纳沙威隆,葡萄树龄8年,经人手采摘的优质葡萄,美国及法国旧橡木桶陈放6个月后再入瓶。Cabernet Sauvignon, Age of vines 8 years, Handpicked premium grade, stored in American &French Oak barrels 6 months before bottling.

梅洛,葡萄树龄13年,经人手采摘的优质葡萄,美国及法国旧橡木桶陈放12个月后再入瓶。Cabernet Sauvignon, Age of vines 13 years, Handpicked premium grade, stored in American &French Oak barrels 12 months before bottling.

我们在学生食堂、圆形露天剧场、酒店式公寓周围和老师以及学生交谈。We were able to talk with handpicked teachers and students and shown around the school's cafeteria, amphitheaters and hotel-style dormitory.