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这酒劲儿真大。This drink is really dynamite.

这无疑是考古学界的爆炸性发现。This was archaeological dynamite.

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炸药厂招男士一名。Man wanted to work in dynamite factory.

轻装地熔断丝和奔跑,在家制造了炸药炸弹!Light the fuse and run, home made dynamite bombs!

请再给我一些你们那种美味可口的炖牛肉。I want some more of your dynamite stewed beef, please.

救援者已准备好炸破唐家山堰塞湖。Rescuers are ready to dynamite Tangjiashan barrier lake.

射击敌人手中的燃烧瓶,手榴弹或者手雷。Shoot an enemy Molotov cocktail, dynamite stick, or hand grenade.

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炸药厂招男士一名。须愿意经常出差。Man wanted to work in dynamite factory. Must be willing to travel.

一帮匪徒却利用他们飞一般的速度来运送炸弹。Their flying speeds are used by a group of mobsters to deliver dynamite.

弹簧就如同爆炸,像使它们分离的炸药。The spring is like the explosion, like the dynamite that can push these apart.

泰勒就是这么钻进我的公寓,用土炸药把我的房子炸的底朝天。This was how Tyler got into my condominium to blow it up with homemade dynamite.

炸药在井上方爆炸,将氧气驱出,并将火扑灭。An explosion of dynamite over the well drives the oxygen out and snuffs the fire.

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据报道,在爆破中,用了192吨炸药,并将其分布在1700个不同的爆炸点。A total of 192 tons of dynamite was reportedly used in 1, 700 different locations.

另外根据药型的选择要满足阻抗匹配原则。In addition, selection of dynamite type should satisfy impedance matching principle.

鱼池被废弃,沉积物填充珊瑚,炸药捕鱼法被引进。Fishponds were abandoned, sediment filled reefs, and dynamite fishing was introduced.

一名爆破专家优化了选地以便给祭坛和墙壁便提供更多的空间。A dynamite expert further refined the site to provide more room for an altar and walls.

再换成网球大小的一块金属,其威力相当于25支炸药同时爆破。And a chunk of metal the size of a tennis ball is as explosive as 25 sticks of dynamite.

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炸药钻孔仍然明显,也使建筑贴合开采区。The dynamite drill holes are still apparent and tie the building to the area of excavation.

红红的鞭炮屑铺满了城市的街道,空气中弥漫着火药燃烧后的浮尘。City streets are blanketed in red wrappers, and the air is thick and acrid with dynamite dust.

由于层状复合岩体特殊性质,岩体内不同岩层对应不同的线装药密度。Considering especially property of bedded composite rock, different dynamite density was taken.