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你喜欢这个颜色吗?Do you kike this colour?

你看起来好像是度过了很不愉快的一天。You look kike you're having a bad day.

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我需要他,正如我需要呼吸。I need him kike i need the air to breathe.

我可真想明天就把那个人解雇了。I'd really kike to fire this man tomorrow.

踢打我,毁谤我,你不能颠倒我的是非。Kick me, kike me, don't you wrong or right me.

毁谤我,控告我,每个人利用我,踢我,说我是犹太人。Jew me, sue me, everybody do me, kick me, kike me.

但没有人能叫我的搭档犹太佬明白吗?But nobody calls my partner a kike. Do you understand?

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可是今天,波比突然很想喝一杯葡萄酒。But today, Bob suddenly felt kike a cup of grape wine.

媒体和营销就像手和手套,要互相合适。The media and marketing are kike a hand and a glove. One fits inside the other.

你们彼此都是对方最好的朋友,不带任何条件的,喜欢与对方在一起。You are undoubtedly the best friends of each other, and you kike to stay together.

但是在法律学校我很快发现自己显然不喜欢法律。But it quickly became apparent to me in law school that I didn't kike studying the law.

在你爱的人面前,你会心跳加速。但在你喜欢的面前,你会感觉很快乐。In front of the person you love, your heart beats faster, but in front of th person you kike , you get happy.