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澳大利亚和新几内亚灌木丛生的地区中褐红色的小沙袋鼠。Small reddish-brown wallabies of scrubby areas of Australia and New Guinea.

我的意思是无限连只是为那些固执于胜负的无聊的家伙准备的。I mean infinites combos are for scrubby experts players that don't like to lose.

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20世纪初期仅仅只有30个农夫在耕耘这片贫瘠的土地。At the beginning of the 20th century a mere 30 homesteaders tilled the scrubby soil.

贫瘠地,不毛之地一块贫瘠的土地,通常树木低矮。常用复数。A tract of unproductive land, often with a scrubby growth of trees. Often used In the plural.

接着在一片杂木丛生的灌木丛中发现了一个洞,他开始用金属棒往里捅。Following into a hole of the base of some scrubby bushes, he started digging with a metal pole.

该遗址现已掩埋于黄沙之下,灌木丛生,不过后来对哈喇和林的兴趣被重新燃起。The ruins now lie beneath sand and scrubby vegetation, but lately there’s been renewed interest in Khara Khorum.

我已不再把钱浪费在厨房中带毛边的海绵皂上了,取而代之,我剪了些洗碗布。I’ve stopped wasting money on kitchen sponges with the scrubby surface on one side. I cut up some old dishrags instead.

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我是一位落魄的书生,带着穷酸与才华战战兢兢的进京赶考,一如大都赶考的一样,失意而归。I am a lackluster scholar, with scrubby and talent to Beijing fears that exam, as most of the same exam, go home frustrated.

这就意味着它在东部和南部非洲的树丛繁盛的栖息地同时半干旱的灌木丛里搜寻食物。This means that it spends its days searching for food in the semi-dry bush in scrubby habitats of eastern and southern Africa.

但很快我们击中西侧范围,并开始进入我们的后裔非常不同,干旱和丛林平原周围科迪。But soon we hit the western side of the range and began our descent into the very different, dry and scrubby plains around Cody.

谁都懒得动一下,连说话的心思都没有,大伙儿就那么四仰八叉地躺着,胡子拉扎的脸上撅着自制的烟卷。We were too tired to talk much. We just sprawled about exhaustedly, with home-made cigarettes sticking out of our scrubby faces.

他现在瘸了,再不能在茂密的丛林中找到平时的猎物,独自悄悄的追踪并杀死它们,饥饿驱使他选择更简单易得的食物。Crippled now, unable to find his normal prey in the scrubby forest, let alone stalk and kill it, he's driven by hunger to easier meals.

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一些矮灌木丛,像红桤木很快又长起来了,蚂蚁青蛙草地鸬海狸还有其他一些物种也都迁进来了。A few scrubby trees, like red alder, have re-established themselves, and ants, frogs, meadowlarks, beavers and other species have moved in.

此地附近一公顷范围内有许多外地引进的松树、云杉、落叶松与冷杉,在这峡湾旁边草木稀疏的岩石山坡上,像海市蜃楼般教人吃惊。One hectare near here of imported pines, spruces, larches and firs are plunked in the midst of the scrubby , rocky hillside next to the fjord, as startling as a mirage.

「媒体的关注令人飘飘然,」他的柏林工作室后院灌木繁盛,还有一条废弃铁轨,他坐在院子外一座装卸台上的长条桌旁,回想当时情景。"The media attention was very flattering, " he recalled, sitting at a communal table on a loading dock outside his Berlin studio's backyard of scrubby trees, grass and abandoned train tracks.