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泰国动画片网。Thai cartoon web.

电视中播放着叽里咕噜的泰语节目。The TV blared Thai.

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泰国航空如丝般体贴。Thai smooth as silk.

泰航飞行,平滑如丝。Smooth as silk is Thai.

好吧,那泰国菜听起来如何?So, does Thai sound alright?

是的,我吃过泰国菜。Yes, I have eaten Thai food.

支持泰文和英文。Support for Thai and English.

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你吃过泰国菜吗?Have you ever eaten Thai food?

不,我没有吃过泰国菜。No, I haven't eaten Thai food.

泰国人信佛教。Thai also believe in Buddhism.

我喜欢泰国菜和日本料理。I love Thai and Japanese foods.

他上了泰式烹饪的课程。He took lessons in Thai cookery.

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你如何证明自己是泰国人?How can you prove thatyou're Thai?

泰茶剉冰,芒果丁,奶酪。Thai tea, milk catalan, tea sabayon.

泰国火车出轨,8人死亡。Thai train derails, killing 8 people.

加入青柠叶和九层塔。Add kaffir lime leaves and Thai basil.

泰国咖啡,我的初恋情人。Thai Arabica Coffee is my first lover.

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然而她只同他们讲泰国语。However she speaks only Thai with them.

她也喜欢散打和泰拳。She also like free combat and Muay Thai.

你有看过写泰文的可口可乐吗?。Have you ever seen Thai language on coke?