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后来那条谣言被证实是真的。That canard were proved to be three later.

他还必须解除他敌视犹太人国家的流言。Mr Obama must dispatch the canard that he is hostile to the Jewish state.

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那是三角翼,鸭翼没有用于主要的变距控制。That was a delta wing, so the canard is not used for primary pitch control.

介绍了近距耦合鸭式布局的基本设计思想。Basic design ideas are introduced on a close-coupled canard wing configuration.

飞行员座舱位于进气口上方并在鸭翼前方。The pilot sits in the cockpit located above the air intake and in front of the canard.

增加头部鸭翼可进一步提高和改善了连接翼布局的直接升力特性。The added front canard increases the direct lift characteristics of the joined wing configuration further.

奥巴马反复重声中国经济腾飞得益于其居心叵测地操纵汇率通货紧缩。Mr. Obama repeats the canard that China’s remarkable economic success is due to sinister currency deflation.

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面对那些断言巴西已经是或在将要成为“未来之国”的老套说辞,塞尔索·阿莫里姆可能无法轻松地置之一笑。Celso Amorim wouldn't crack a smile at the old canard that Brazil is the country of the future, and always will be.

但电脑和一额外的飞行控制装置,称为鸭已救出三角翼从陈旧。But the computer and an additional flight control device called the canard have rescued the delta wing from obsolescence.

百度声明发布后,媒体广泛进行了客观公正的报道,某些误传、谣言迅速止息。After Baidu statement is released, media had the story of objective justice extensively, certain canard , rumor ceases quickly.

在近距耦合鸭式布局的机理研究中,主翼涡和鸭翼涡的干扰方式一直是研究的关键。The manner of the interaction between the leading-edge vortex of delta wing and canard is always the key of the research works.

她走近瑞克,他看到了她的那只马尔鹈——长着金丝雀翅膀的邪恶鸟儿,利爪正刺在她的前臂护具里。She approached Rick with what he now thought of as "that goddamn canard -winged pest"-her malthi-resting with its many claws dug into her forearm sheath.

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j10采用矩形腹部进气,低平三角翼,一对鸭式前翼,一个大型垂直尾翼,两个腹翼。The J-10 has a rectangle belly air intake, with low-mounted delta wings, a pair of front canard wings, a large vertical fin, and two under fuselage fins.

鸭式布局主翼涡破裂较无鸭翼布局有所延迟,但鸭翼自身涡系破裂较早。The wing vortex breakdown on canard on configuration was delayed relative to that on canard off configuration, but the canard vortex broke down very early.

崔真实就是承受不了那个谣言自杀,这是多大的压力使得一个两个孩子的母亲最终还是选择结束自己的生命都不能面对那样的谣言。Choi Jin Sil could not undergo that rumor and killed herself, what a huge pressure that made a mother who has two children take her own life to avoid this canard.

图像所显示的是一架大型战斗机,尺寸接近F-111,有一对三角形的鸭翼盒一对后倾的全动垂尾。What the imagery shows is a large fighter, approaching the size of an F-111, with a canard delta configuration and pair of outward canted all moving vertical tails.

杜茸见玉琴把燕窝全卖光,把红豆沙都扔了,要买好东西吃,玉琴却带他往买潮州卤水鸭翼。Du see jade lute chopped sell out all of the birds nest, dropped the red bean paste, good things to eat, to buy jade lute has brought him to buy chaozhou brine canard.

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这架飞机拥有由玻璃纤维和碳纤维制成的双体机身,由前部的鸭翼、中部的机翼和尾部的水平安定面连接在一起。The vehicle sports twin-fuselages made of fiberglass and carbon fiber which are connected by a canard in the front, an airfoil in the middle and a horizontal stabilizer.

对初步形成的鸭翼-翼身融合体改变机身头部形状和立尾配置等进行RCS优化。A prime project of a blended wing body vehicle with canard is provided, and through the change of the fuselage head form and the different fin disposals, the RCS are optimized.

然而,他此后发现波都尔是个虚构人物,是嘲讽性质的「鸭鸣报」记者弗雷德里克.帕杰斯所创作的讽刺文学。He has since discovered, however, that Botul is a fictional character, created as a literary satire by journalist Frederic Pages, who writes for the tongue in cheek Le Canard Enchaine.