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我的户籍在南京。My domicile place is Nanjing.

乔煜割开了晓晗住所的煤气管。QiaoYu ripped open the XiaoHan domicile of the gas pipe.

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你的籍贯是哪里?Where is your domicile place?My domicile place is Nanjing.

我的户籍不在那个城市产,而那家公司需要雇用一位当地居民。My domicile isn‘t in that city and they needed a local resident.

国际海事委员会设在比利时的安特卫普。The domicile of the Comite Maritime International is established in Antwerp, Belgium.

能够常驻在广西北海并能适应经常去欧洲出差。Willing and able to travel frequently to Europe and take domicile in Beihai, Guangxi.

区际属人法不能以国籍连结点来确定,而应以住所及惯常住所连结点来确定。Interregional Personal Law will be fulfilled with the persons domicile and habitual domicile.

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解决区际属人法的冲突也就是解决住所及惯常住所连结点的积极冲突和消极冲突。Interregional Personal Law will be fulfilled with the person's domicile and habitual domicile.

法人以它的主要办事机构所在地为住所。A legal person's domicile shall be the place where its main adminis. rative office is. located.

作为集装箱船船东的注册国,摩纳哥和以色列这两个国家在近年来开始显山露水。Monaco and Israel have both recently emerged as countries of domicile for owners of containerships.

“入户抢劫”应是行为人非法进入私人住宅及具有私人住宅特征的其他场所进行的抢劫。"Housebreaking" should be defined as the actor enters into the private domicile or else like illegally.

遗址包括供佛窟、僧舍窟、修行窟以及佛塔等遗迹。In the cave temple there are relics of cave chapels , monks domicile meditation room and Buddhist stupas etc.

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法人或其他组织以其主要办事机构所在地为住所。The domicile of a legal person or other organization is at the place of its principal business establishment.

中国实行属地化的社会保障制度,即以户籍作为享受社会保障的基础。China has a territorial social security system, which means that the domicile is the basis of social security right.

转让后由公司将受让人的姓名或者名称及住所记载于股东名册。After the transfer, the company shall record the name and domicile of the transferee in the register of shareholders.

你能一个人在一座没有人烟,没有基本生活用品,没有住所的孤岛上生活二十七年吗?Can you a person in a lack of population, no basic supplies, the island has no domicile in the twenty-seventh year of life?

Ferguson称渣打银行目前不会将注册地迁出伦敦,不过该方案正在"讨论中".Ferguson said the bank does not intend to move its domicile away from London right now, although the issue was being "kept under review."

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境外申报人应委托在境内有住所的代理人或文件签收人,并提供联系方式。An overseas declarer shall authorize a proxy or recipient who has domicile in China and provide the contact information of the proxy or recipient.

初诊病历要填齐首页上端各栏,包括姓名、性别、年龄、籍贯、职业、住址、就诊日期等。First to fill in the home page top's medical records, including the column name, sex, age, domicile of origin, professional, address, medical date.

无记名公司债券的转让,由债券持有人将该债券交付给受让人后即发生转让的效力。In the case of transfer of registered bonds, the company shall record the name and domicile of the transferee in the counterfoil of corporate bonds.