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这个名词是主格形式的吗?。Is this noun in the nominative?

在英文中预设格是宾格。The default case in Russian is nominative.

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在电话用语中常用主格。In a telephone terminology commonly used in nominative.

衡量的比率,间距,序数和主格尺度/。Ratio, Interval, Ordinal, and Nominative Scales of Measurement.

还比较了该方案与著名的记名签名的效率。The efficiency of different nominative signature schemes is also compared.

这是一个带分词的独立结构,相当于一个条件从句。This is a nominative absolute structure, which is equal to a conditional clause.

在提名的代理签名方案中,只有被提名者能验证签名的有效性。In a nominative proxy signature scheme, only the nominee can verify the signature.

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动名词拉丁语中的动名词,有除主格外的所有格的形式。In latin , a noun derived from a verb and having all case forms except the nominative.

在本文的最后给出了该系统的主要技术指标。In the end of paper, qualification achieved, testing nominative and testing procedure are presented.

着重介绍独立主格结构的概念、构成、作用及其特征,对掌握和运用这一语法现象大有裨益。This passage describes 5 characters of absolute nominative construction and analyzes its kinds and usages in the sentences.

文章从历史语言学的角度,考察了历史文献中朝鲜语主格助词■和添意助词■的使用情况。This paper reviews the usages of the Korean nominative auxiliary ■ and the supplementary auxiliary ■ in a historical perspective.

尼采争辩到基督罪责运作,提名的期望,期望他们因,自我贬损部分而被偷。Nietzsche argues that Christian guilt operates nominative expectations that they have been stolen by his partion for self debasement.

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而形容词类似“自动词”的性质前面的体词后面只能跟主格助词或其他做状语。And adjectives such as "Automatic word" nature of the word in front of the back of the body only with the nominative or an adverbial particle.

笔者认为,商标的商业性合理使用包括叙述性使用、指示性使用、直接比较广告。In the author's opinion, the trademark fair use in commercial area includes descriptive use, nominative use, and direct comparative advertising.

拉丁语中动形词,在主格中表示适合性和必要性,并在其它格中作将来被动分词。A verbal adjective in Latin that in the nominative case expresses the notion of fitness or obligation and in other cases functions as a future passive participle.

应此体词后面到底填写主格助词还是宾格助词取决于后面的谓词是他动词还是自动词。This body should be completed in the end after the word nominative or accusative particle depends on the particle after the verb is transitive or automatic words.

该文提出了一种新的数字签名方案—失败终止记名签名方案,该方案具有失败终止数字签名与记名数字签名方案的优点。In this paper we propose a kind of new signature scheme called fail-stop nominative signature scheme that is the combination of fail-stop and nominative signature.

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名词的主格和宾格的区别表现在语序上,在动词之前的是主格,在动词之后的是宾格。The distinctions of nominative and accusative in nouns are realized by word order, with the one before the verb as the nominative and the one after it as the accusative.

形容词是不可能有宾语的,所以出现在形容词前面的体词在句子中一定是做主语的,应该填写主格助词。Adjective can not have object, so the body appears in front of the word an adjective in the sentence must be done in the subject, and should fill in the nominative particle.

在一个名叫“姓名决定论”的学说趣论中有提到,名字确实能影响到你的人生导向和职业选择。One interesting theory is a phenomenon called "nominative determinism, " which is that your name can actually influence which way your life goes and which profession you choose.