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沙暴来了。The sandstorm came.

沙尘暴喷出一阵灰烟,急速冲向前。With a puff of gray smoke, Sandstorm zooms forward.

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风沙危害和水土流失严重。The hazards of sandstorm and soil erosion are serious.

一场沙尘暴席卷了索马里边境附近的一个难民营。A sandstorm in a refugee camp near the border of Somalia.

初春时节,中国出现了大范围的沙尘暴天气。The first day of spring brought a massive sandstorm to China.

控制沙城暴需要大量的工作和资金。The control of sandstorm will involve a lot of work and money.

一次沙尘暴是一种皲自然的最严重的暴力现象。The sandstorm is a kind of disastrous dusty wind weather phenomenon.

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撒哈拉沙漠,沙暴毁坏了一个废弃的钻井台。In the Sahara desert, a sandstorm batters a deserted drilling station.

沙尘暴就是一个典型的例子,大自然在发威报复。Sandstorm is a typical case in po int. The nature is taking its revenge.

我去的时候我朋友正在公寓里看沙尘暴。My friend had been watching the sandstorm from her apartment when I arrived.

是为了惧怕沙暴或那类东西的人们所作的。Made for few, you know, people who are afraid of sandstorm or stuff like that.

但是沙尘暴偏要来作对,那是谁也拦不住的。However the sandstorm is showing the opposite picture, and nobody could stop it.

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在突尼斯和利比亚边界的舒沙难民营,一场沙尘暴即将到来。A sandstorm is brewing at the Shousha refugee camp on Tunisia's border with Libya.

宁夏回族自治区也报导了沙尘及气温下降。A sandstorm and temperature drops were also reported in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.

渐渐地,整个商队淹没在了狂暴的风沙与夜幕的黑暗中。Gradually, the whole caravan submerged in a raging sandstorm and the darkness of night.

结果3例胸片均呈典型的“暴风沙”状改变。Results On chest radiographs, the typical "sandstorm" pattern was shown in all 3 cases.

沙尘暴是由于蒙古和中国北方严重的干旱所导致的。The sandstorm was due to the severe drought that has been plaguing Mongolia and northern China.

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就在上个月,一场大的沙尘暴横扫了中国北方,在北京倾下了33万吨沙土。Last month, a major sandstorm swept across northern China, dumping 330,000 tonnes of sand on Beijing.

周淮安等人一路亡命到嘉峪关的龙门,消失于铺天盖地的黑沙暴中。Zhou Huai, who flee all the way to the goal of Jiayuguan, disappear in the overwhelming black sandstorm.

来自内盖夫沙漠的沙尘暴呼啸而至,吹得头顶的风铃悲鸣不已。A sandstorm was blowing in from the Negev desert, setting the wind chime singing mournfully above our heads.