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说明了保养得当,可以延年长岁。Say palpability maintains proper, can delay old year old.

朗道设计提倡简洁的设计风格,单纯明了的视觉效果。Lang way design advocate concise design style, simple palpability visual effect.

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但是,一些轶事却说明了更严重的问题。But, a few anecdotical the problem that says palpability is more serious however.

由于植入装置引起疼痛,不适,或感觉异常。Pain, discomfort, abnormal sensation, or palpability due to the presence of the device.

这表明了2009年将成为盛大文学的版权交易运营年。This watch palpability traded the copyright that becomes royal literature 2009 operation year.

其实,无论在谁的眼里,视频网站都摆明了是一个“烧钱”的行业。Actually, no matter be in whose eye, video website places palpability is " burn money " industry.

结构要简洁明了,外观色彩鲜明、艳丽,造型大方、美观。The structure wants concise palpability , the exterior is flaming, gorgeous, modelling is easy, beautiful.

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火娃和隆昌查明了杨神父就是土匪司令,并动员乡亲们起来斗争。Igneous child and grand prosperous check palpability poplar Abba is bandit commander, arouse folkses rise fight.

奥运视频的严格规范已经说明了在版权问题上,视频网站将要面临更多的问题。The rigid standard of Olympic Games video has said palpability is on copyright issue, video website will face more problems.

今年的国际厨具流行款式是简洁明了的直线直角式。The design of popularity of international kitchen utensils and appliances this year is the linear and orthogonal type of concise palpability.

现在已经有越来越多的企业利用淘宝推广自己的产品,这恰恰说明了淘宝的价值。Already more and more enterprises use the product that taxes treasure him promotion now, this just says palpability taxes the value of treasure.

通过比较我国食品安全卫生标准和国外先进国家相关标准的差异,研究明确我国食品存在问题的原因。The compare of differentia at standard of safety and sanitation at food inside and outside country, the palpability for matter of problem to ours.

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百度和谷歌的“逆流而上”,似乎表明了付费搜索对宏观经济的恶化拥有“免疫力”。Of Baidu and cereal song " refluent and go up " , the aggravation that expresses palpability to pay cost to search pair of macroscopical economy it seems that is had " immune force ".

此外,各地港群不同水平的赫佛因德指数也表明了它们在集中程度上的明显差异。In addition, each district harbor group the He Fo of different level also expresses palpability because of heart index they are in the apparent difference that centers degree to go up.

但是过去的9个月,我们向投资人证明了华视是说到做到的,所以现在大家给了我们更多的信任,愿意付更多的钱来做华视的股东。But 9 months in the past, we to investor card palpability China inspects be do what one says, so everybody gave us more credit now, be willing to pay more money to do China inspected partner.