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你以前曾是这位大天使。You've been this archangel before.

最高主教狄格拜被当场提拔为大天使。Digby had been spot-promoted to Archangel.

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没有一个天使能唱得象我们这么好听。No angel, no archangel can sing it so sweetly as I can.

大天使米迦勒宣布对抗黑暗的战争。The Archangel Michael has declared a war against Darkness.

但每个天使都怀着更大的愤怒回头看望天使长。But every angel is back with even more angry to see archangel.

以下是对大天使麦克的采访,通过琳达.迪伦Here is the interview with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon

我是大天使麦克,代表所有天使界的存有来与你们沟通。I am Archangel Michael and I communicate for all the angelic realms.

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你从这位大天使所接收到的信息将有利于你。The information you receive from this archangel will be beneficial to you.

以诺依其申述是与神同行,神把他变成了天使长。Enoch allegedly walked with God who turned him into the archangel Metatron.

大天使泰瑞尔一直以来都是我们这一族的恩人,但现在即使是他也帮不了我们。The Archangel Tyrael has always been our benefactor, but even he cannot help us now.

现在想象,闭上眼睛,这是站在你背后水汉。Now visualize, with eyes closed, that this archangel of Water is standing behind you.

你也可以召请大天使长米迦勒围绕并保护你的魔法圆。You can also call upon Archangel Michael to surround and protect your magical circle.

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他不相信男女会在神圣性上超越天使长加百列。He did not believe that men and women could surpass the Archangel Gabriel in sanctity.

我如天使长加百利那样说,只是所有我的声音就是你们内在听到的那一个声音。I speak as Archangel Gabriel but the voice of all that Iam is a sound you hear in you.

大天使萨基尔是温柔纯净、宽恕、安慰与拯救的天使。Archangel Zadkiel is the Angel of gentle purification, forgiveness, solace and salvation.

我可不希望逞英雄,让自己在圣彼得堡和阿尔汉格尔间的驿路上把命送掉。I have no ambition to lose my life on the post-road between St. Petersburgh and Archangel.

我是大天使麦克,造物主传达爱、快乐、智慧、光、平和和慈悲的信使。I Am Archangel Michael, The Creator’s Messenger, of Love, Joy, Wisdom, Light, Peace and Grace.

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我与大天使麦克亲密合作,我们都在这里陪伴在你们每个人身旁。I work closely with Archangel Michael and both of us are here standing right next to all of you.

东交民巷天主堂以其正门上方精美的天使造像而闻名。St. Michael Earl Church owes its fame to the exquisite Statue of Archangel above its front door.

信息来自金色黎明神殿议会,通过海贝月光女神和大天使麦克传递。Message from Council of the Golden Dawn Temple, through Seashell Moon Woman, with Archangel Michael.