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至少有护校实习。Have at least protect school exercitation.

损伤发生与其专项运动特点及训练周期较长等因素有密切的关系。The injury is related to specific sport peculiarity and length of exercitation.

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企业集团资金管理作为一项财务控制活动,一直为实务界所重视。Capital control is always recognized by exercitation field as a financial control activity.

见习期和实习期内能享受探亲假吗?Is novitiate mixed is exercitation period internal energy enjoyed visit one's family false?

职工在见习期和实习期内都不能享受探亲假。The worker is mixed in novitiate cannot enjoy inside exercitation period visit one's family false.

实习期林雅熙处处受到磕磕绊绊,经过磨练,林雅熙事业渐起。Exercitation period Lin Yaxi gets everywhere bumpy, through harden oneself, lin Yaxi career rises gradually.

地理野外实习是高校地理教学过程中的重要教学环节。The geographical field exercitation is an important part of the geographical teaching process in universities.

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情急之下,海龙跳窗前往,不料却引起实习警察的误会。Situation is urgent under, sea otter jumps the window is headed for, cause the misunderstanding of exercitation police however unexpectedly.

当前职业技术院校普遍存在两大隐忧,即师资队伍隐忧和实验实习隐忧。There are two main secret worries in the vocational and technical academy the persons qualified to teach and the experiment and exercitation.

在实训工作的硬件条件得到改善之后,提高实训质量的关键在于其内部运行机制是否理顺。After the corporeal establishment has been improved greatly, the key point to win the exercitation competition is exercitation-running mechanism.

电工电子实习教学是培养具有工程实践能力人才的一个重要环节。The exercitation teaching of electrics and electronics is an important step for the training of talented personnel with the ability of engineering practice.

这个要看专业的不同来定了,大都流行上是医学实习是不用交费用的,非凡是给学校。This should look to differ professionally will decide, medicine is on popularity mostly the exercitation is to need not pay fee, give the school especially.

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人力资源部负责与相关大专院校建立“大学生实习基地”的长期合作关系,并根据公司及部门需求,及时安排大学生到预定岗位实行。Responsible for HR related institutions "students' exercitation base", and the long-term cooperation relations, according to company and department needs to arrange jobs in reserve.

随着因特网技术的发展,电子商务也迅猛发展,给我们现行的国际贸易实务教学提出了新的问题。With the development of internet, the electronic business affairs have also been developing rapidly, which creates new problems for our current teaching of international trade exercitation.

截至发稿时,该实习平台上已有596家企业加盟,向大学生开放了3165个实习、兼职职位。Up to when distributing news dispatches , there already were 596 enterprises to join in on this exercitation platform, opened position of 3165 exercitations, part-time job to the undergraduate.

本章将先介绍多层次治理理论,而后利用该理论分别从超国家层次、跨国家层次、国家层次以及次国家层次分析欧洲议会在立法时与不同层次的行为者发生的互动和联系。Firstly it introduces the multi-level governance theory. Then it will dispose the interaction between the actors from different levels and the exercitation of the Parliament's legislative power.