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他身体瘦削,面色苍白。He is thin, pale.

浅禾秆色。Pale straw in color.

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一个俊俏苍白的女孩。A handsome pale girl.

求求你,为何如此?Prithee, why so pale?

她看起来脸色苍白。She looked quite pale.

她听到这消息脸都白了。She go pale at the news.

靑春,苍白如诗。Youth , as pale as poem.

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冉阿让脸色惨白。Jean Valjean turned pale.

云是暗淡的蓝绿色。Clouds are pale blue-green.

德拉库拉伯爵,您脸色发白。Count Dracula, you're pale.

他的面色变得像死人一样苍白。He turned as pale as death.

脸苍白泪涟涟。With tears on my pale face.

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一个冷冰冰的,面色苍白的修女匆匆走过。A cold, pale nun hurried by.

浅金黄色中略带绿色韵调。Pale gold with green glints.

她也很消瘦,面无血色。She, too, was thin and pale.

应门的是一个皮肤很白的男人。A pale man answered the door.

弗朗西斯面如死灰。Francis was as pale as death.

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她因震惊脸色都白了。NO9. She went pale with shock.

我从未见过她的脸色如此苍白!Never have I seen her so pale.

突然想起一个人是这么的苍白无力A sudden thought of one so pale