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同卵双胞胎,他们拥有相同的基因谱。You look at identical twins, monozygotic twins who share the same genetic profile.

不过,一旦卵子分裂变化,产生同卵双胞胎,那么在这一过程中,细胞里的性别染色体就会发生缺失现象。But if the egg divides to produce monozygotic twins, a chromosome may be lost in the process.

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他猜测解析度更高的技术,将可揭露所有的同卵双胞胎都有基因份数的差异。He suspects that higher-resolution techniques will reveal that all monozygotic twins have copy number changes.

此假设与长期以来自然受孕的单卵双胞胎最常见的原因非常吻合。This hypothesis fits well with the long established cause of the most common form of natural monozygotic twins.

如果一种性状或疾病在同卵双胞胎中的同时发生的概率高于异卵双胞胎,那么这种性状或疾病是“可遗传的”。A trait or disease is called heritable if monozygotic twins are more similar to each other than dizygotic twins.

遗传因素似乎也起到一定的作用,因为同卵双胞姐妹患同种病的概率是异卵双胞姐妹的两倍。Genetic factors also seem to play a role, as the concordance rate is two times higher in monozygotic twins than in dizygotic twins.

研究人员继续调查10对健康的同卵双胞胎,他们彼此之间并没有明显可见的差异。Proceeding further, the investigators then looked at 10 pairs of healthy monozygotic twins with no significant visible differences between them.

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同卵双胞胎是基因完全相同的个体,只不过同卵双胞胎是自然发生,而复制人是利用生物技术完成而已。The monozygotic twin differs from the cloned human in that the former is formed naturally whereas the latter is formed by biotechnological means.

“对单卵双胞胎出生时的绒毛膜和羊膜进行认真记录可以更好的阐明培养体系对胚胎的影响,”她总结到。"Careful recording of chorionicity and amnioticity of monozygotic twins at birth should shed further light on the effects of culture on embryos, " she concluded.

另外,将来有关单卵双胞胎原因更多的信息可以直接通过出生后核对胎盘和羊膜囊的数目来获得。In addition, more information about the cause of monozygotic twins could be collected in the future by a straightforward check of the numbers of placentas and sacs when the babies are born.

尽管DNA序列相同,单合子的双胞胎或者克隆的动物如何有不同的表现型和对同一疾病不同的易感性,经典的遗传学也不能解释。Nor does classic genetics explain how, despite their identical DNA sequences, monozygotic twins1 or cloned animals2 can have different phenotypes and different susceptibilities to a disease.