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但航天器发射场只是俄罗斯新的空间雄心的开始。But the cosmodrome is just a start for Russia's new space ambitions.

多达30,000专家可能会参与建造这个新的航天器发射场。Up to 30,000 specialists could be brought in to build the new cosmodrome.

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GOCE定于3月16日,在俄罗斯北部的普列谢茨克发射场升空。GOCE is scheduled to launch on 16 March from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in Northern Russia.

2008年10月10日,美国太空游客理查得·加里欧特在拜科努尔太空中心理发。U. S. space tourist Richard Garriott has his hair cut at Baikonur cosmodrome October 10, 2008. Richard Garriott, a U.

18飞船是由火车运到发射台在拜科努尔在哈萨克斯坦,2010年3月31日发射场。The Soyuz TMA-18 spaceship is transported by train to the launch pad at Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, March 31, 2010.

政府令中写道,进入拜科努尔航天发射场发射区域的外国专家根据现有规定予以通行。The Russia Goverment Order says , the foreign experts who enter into the launching region in Baikonur Cosmodrome will be permitted.

俄罗斯在哈萨克斯坦拜科努尔太空中心用火箭发射的三颗卫星未能进入预定轨道。Three Russian satellites have failed to enter orbit after they were launched on a rocket from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.

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这枚火箭于周日在科努尔太空基地发射,但是坠入夏威夷西北部1,500千米处的太平洋中。The rocket took off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome on Sunday but crashed into the Pacific Ocean, around 1,500 kilometers northwest of Hawaii.

那天,俄罗斯“曙光”号功能货舱作为国际空间站的第一个组件,在哈萨克斯坦拜科努尔航天发射场升空。On that day, Russia's "Dawn" function as an international cargo space station's first component, from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan launch site.

从后来世人皆知的哈萨克斯坦拜科努尔卫星发射基地发射仅仅前三天,Gagarin才知道自己被选为任务执行者。Just three days before blastoff from what would later be known as the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, Gagarin was told that he was chosen for the mission.

随着埃及的埃星一号从哈萨克斯坦的拜克努尔航天中心腾空而起,拥有太空侦察能力的国家的名单上周又增加了。The list of countries with space reconnaissance capability grew again last week, with the launch of Egypt's EgyptSat 1 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.

承载着气象科学家的希望,一颗科研卫星今天在哈萨克斯坦的贝康诺卫星发射场再度发射,并成功抵达预定轨道。A resurrected satellite, carrying the hopes of climate scientists, successfully made a second attempt to reach orbit today from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.

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这位名叫阿诺谢赫·安萨里的女子在两位美俄宇航员的陪同下,搭乘“联盟TMA9号”飞船在位于哈萨克斯坦境内的俄罗斯发射基地升空,10分钟后,飞船进入预定轨道。Anousheh Ansari was accompanied by a USRussian crew on the Soyuz TMA9 capsule, which entered orbit about 10 minutes after liftoff from the Russian cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.

这种延续性实在惊人。要知道,1991年苏联解体,前哈萨克苏维埃社会主义共和国顿成一国,从而使得拜科努尔卫星发射基地陷入困境。The continuity is especially striking because the 1991 collapse left the cosmodrome stranded in what had become a foreign country, the former Soviet republic of Kazakhstan.