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放荡的哲人、腐败的孩子。Wanton philosophers, children of putrescence.

肝细胞、肾小管细胞呈现溶解性坏死。The liver cell and renal tubular cell showed to dissolve putrescence.

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这类病毒在这种如此污秽和腐臭中很可能发生演变和变异。This type of virus is more likely to evolve and mutate in this much filth and putrescence.

而对照组中有6例术后出现皮瓣坏死,导致假体移位或外露,手感欠佳。Skin flap putrescence in 6 cases of control group conduced prosthesis shift or outside and lack of handle.

另外,VPA对消化系统、肝脏及血液系统均有潜在的毒性作用,甚至出现致死性肝坏死。In addition, VPA has potential toxicity for digestive system, blood system, and liver, even lethiferous putrescence.

局部肝包膜回缩、肝叶萎缩,病灶内大片坏死、液化。The local envelope of liver was lacunose and the local liver was atrophied, There was abroad putrescence and liquescence in the focus.

草鸡煲中含有丰富的营养,容易滋生细菌,导致产品腐败变质。Native-chicken soup which contains much nutrition is suitable for the growth of bacterium, resulting in the putrescence of the product.

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病理检查发现其能减轻肝细胞变性、坏死,减少炎细胞浸润。Pathological examination found that LQL could lighten denaturalization and putrescence of hepatic cell and reduce infiltration of inflammation cell.

清洁可以用水任意冲洗,使用寿命特长。完全解决了传统木质家私潮湿,虫蛀,腐烂的缺点。You may wash it with water without worrying about the fragility to damp, worm-eaten an putrescence , which are the defects of traditional wooden furniture.

肝细胞变性的程度及肝纤维化的程度在组织学上与模型组比较无明显区别。That the degree of putrescence, the size of putrescence ranges, the degree of denaturalization of liver cell and the degree of liver fibre had no significant difference compared with model group.