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每个人都想去得梅因。Everybody wants to go to Des Moines.

盒是DES算法中的一个关键环节。S-box is a key part of DES algorithm.

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简单介绍下DES所扮演的角色。Underthe simple introduction DES acts role.

人们在讨论“单身化”的问题。In der Diskussion der "Single" des Problems.

药物支架病人应该服用氯吡格雷多长时间?How long the patients should be on Plavix with DES?

难道我们还生活在威廉二世皇帝的时代?!Leben wir noch in Zeiten des Kaisers Wilhelm II. ?!

我可是从大地方来的伙计得梅因知道吗?。I'm from the big city, buddy. des moines, all right?

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尽管天气不好,他仍在公园里散步。Trotz des schlechten Wetters spaziert er in die Park.

我为什么会突然想起了温泉关?Why do I suddenly recollect the Passage des Thermopyles?

荣军院是我第一个正式参观的巴黎景点。L'Hotel des Invalides is the first site I visited in Paris.

然后他们回到受难修女街家中。Then they returned home to the Rue des Filles -du-Calvaire.

2011年法国勃艮第马孔“特级葡萄酒竞赛“银奖。Silver Medal, Concours Des Grands Vins De France, Macon 2011

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客人可以在季节性室外泳池游泳。Tour des Voyageurs offers guest an outdoor pool and jacuzzi.

固定价格的支付集中于一月份欧洲三港DES合同。Fixed price liquidity focused on the January DES ARA contract.

在上海学习期间,我经常去豫园。Waehrend des Studium in Shanghai, ging ich oft zum Yuyuan Park.

美国衣阿华州中部一城市,是得梅因的郊区。人口8,482。A city of central Iowa, a suburb of Des Moines. Population, 8,482.

黑皮诺红葡萄酒是一种质感平滑、风味十足的红酒。Château des Charmes Pinot Noir is a smooth, full-flavoured red wine.

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我想再去巴黎孚日广场的兰博西餐厅吃一餐饭。I want another meal in Paris at L'ambroisie in the Place des Vosges.

我并不崇拜拿破仑,但荣军院的确成了我的第一个选择。I don't adore Napoleon, but hotel des Invalides is my first in Paris.

发现在德梅因,美国衣阿华屋顶屋面承包商和承建商。"Found" in Des "Moines, " IA roofing roofing contractors and vendors.