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粘粘的,稠稠的,蓝色的胶,新鲜的胶,稠稠的,粘粘的。Gooey. Gooey. Blue goo. New goo. Gluey. Gluey.

她是对的,但汤却令人失望。But the soup is a disappointment – a "bit gluey".

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说着便抓起豆泥莲蓉珍珠糊,往她脸上涂去。And he began applying the pearly , gluey mess to her inky cheeks.

有一天早上,我在厨房找到一盒麦片,是那种对上水就会变成稀糊的麦片。It was the kind which, when mixed with hot water, would become gluey.

藕大概有一两米长,深深地长在湖底厚厚的泥中。The roots, perhaps a metre or two long, lie deep in the thick, gluey mud of the lake bed.

我挖了一勺米饭放到平底锅里,在上面打了个鸡蛋,把整团东西弄得粘粘的,乱糟糟的。I scooped the rice into the frying pan and cracked the egg on top, turning itinto a gluey mess.

或烩饭,你必须有热门股票,或者您慢下来的太多,烹调结束胶饭了。Or for risotto, you must have hot stock or you slow the cooking down too much and end up with gluey rice.

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大个子苍蝇,即使没被粘性触须粘上多少,也受伤了,在竭力挣扎,为自由而奋斗。If a gluey tentacle grabs too little of a big fly, the bug may suffer injury but still struggle to freedom.

草蛛是一种顽强的猎食者,它用黏性陷阱捕捉摇蚊或其它飞行小虫。The Grass spider is a formidable hunter, setting her gluey snares for Midges and other small airborne travelers.

酪蛋白颜料画的颜料是把颜料与奶酪的胶质凝乳,或牛奶沉淀物混合…" Casein, or "cheese painting, "is a medium in which pigments are tempered with the gluey curd of cheese or milk precipitate. "

大多数情况下,这些症状会随着时间慢慢的消失,但是冰的液体,止痛片和胶质的草药和食物,像欧亚甘草或亚麻籽都会舒缓症状。Most of this will fade with time, but cool liquids, pain pills and gluey herbs and foods like licorice or flaxseeds may bring relief.

通过检查大型悬挂式异步电动机滑动轴瓦锡基轴承合金粘合情况,找出轴瓦存在的质量问题。By checking the large hanging type asynchronous motor for the gluey condition of babbit of the sliding bearing, a quality problem of the bearing is found.

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大量生物化学变化把他们的细胞粘贴在一起,形成一层胶状的生物膜,这层膜即使是烈性的混合抗生素也难以攻克。A host of biochemical changes sticks the population of cells together, forming a gluey biofilm that even a potent cocktail of antibiotics struggles to shift.

本文论述了静电植绒原理及在密封胶条植绒上的应用。介绍了静电植绒设备的设计方法。This paper described the principle of electrostatic flannel-plan- ting and introduced the device design of electrostatic flannel-planting in sealing gluey stripe.

结论利用显微手术方法,使用粘弹剂,控制眼内炎症,选择好手术时机,可使手术效果满意。Conclusion In modem microsurgical conditions, gluey Healon and proper surgical time, the traumatic cataract's extraction with IOL implantation is safe and effective.

食肉植物约有675多种,很多都会守株待兔。一株面包大小的捕虫瑾,胶质茸毛,全部展开,引诱昆虫,直至分泌消化液,才合拢。Many of the world's 675-plus carnivorous species set passive traps. A bun-size butterwort bristles with gluey hairs that ensnare insects until digestive juices do their work.