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这家主要的水处理厂负责处理哈拉雷以及周边地区的水处理。The main water-treatment plant serves Harare and the surrounding area.

哈拉雷一位年轻商人马可斯说。"Once he was our darling, " said Marcus, a young businessman in Harare.

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他在过去两个星期经由哈拉雷国际机场返回哈拉雷。He returned to Harare in the past two weeks via Harare International Airport.

而该调查显示,最不适宜居住的城市是津巴布韦首都哈拉雷。According to the survey, the worst place to live is the Zimbabwean capital Harare.

津巴布韦总统的选举结果则是从各投票站直接送到哈拉雷。The results for the presidential vote go directly from the polling stations to Harare.

不过,在首都哈拉雷市及周边地区报告的病例数量却有所增多。On the other hand, cases reported are increasing again in and around the capital, Harare.

津巴布韦反对党领袖茨万吉拉伊到荷兰驻哈拉雷大使馆寻求保护。Zimbabwe opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai has sought refuge in the Dutch Embassy in Harare.

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拜仁慕尼黑足球俱乐部集团公司的总部位于慕尼黑市郊哈拉兴的塞贝纳大街51号。Bayern Munich Football Club Group is headquartered in Munich suburb of Harare Xing Sebenne Avenue 51.

杨洁篪10日抵达津巴布韦首都哈拉雷,开始对津巴布韦进行正式访问。Yang arrived in the Zimbabwean capital of Harare on February 10 for an official visit to the country.

穆加贝在由国家电视台直播的典礼中将现金交给了这位曾在美国游泳的运动员。Mugabe handed the U.S-based swimmer the cash at a ceremony in Harare carried live on state television.

哈拉雷的媒体律师表示,就现有的法律来看,这份宣传册没有违法之处。Media lawyers in Harare say that there is nothing illegal about the pamphlet in terms of existing legislation.

农民们说,我们破坏了他们的农田,而旅游者的钱过去都流进了首都哈雷拉的大型旅游公司。They said we destroyed their farms, and money from the tourists used to go to the big tour companies in Harare.

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联合国必须坚持要求哈拉雷进行改革,必须要求确保津巴布韦人民的自由。The United Nations must insist on change in Harare -- and must insist for the freedom of the people of Zimbabwe.

荷兰外交部证实,茨万吉拉伊目前在哈拉雷的荷兰大使馆里受到保护。The Dutch Foreign Ministry confirmed that Morgan Tsvangirai is being sheltered at the country's embassy in Harare.

在辛巴威首都哈拉雷,一名士兵正在购买政府控制的「先锋报」。Zimbabwe soldier buys a copy of the state-controlled Herald newspaper in Zimbabwe's capital, Harare April 2, 2008.

另一方面,至少三名争取民主变革运动的活动人士在他们的居住地区宾杜拉被绑架,那里距离哈拉雷大约有40公里远。Meanwhile, at least three MDC activists have been abducted from their home area, Bindura, about 40 kilometers from Harare.

2004年,当曼恩和60名唯利是图者搭乘的私人飞机降落在哈拉雷机场时,他们遭到了逮捕。Together with a group of 60 mercenaries, Mann was arrested in March 2004 when their private plane landed at Harare airport.

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一名BBC南非记者称,在首都哈拉雷举行的葬礼是自独立以来最大规模的国葬仪式。A BBC's southern Africa correspondent says the ceremony in the capital Harare was the biggest state funeral since independence.

这次拥有4,000名注册代表的会议再度召开时,首都哈拉雷的会议中心部署了强大警力。There was a strong police presence at the Harare conference center when the session re-opened with about 4,000 registered delegates.

这次拥有4,000名注册代表的会议再度召开时,首都哈拉雷的会议中心部署了强大警力。There was a strong police presence at the Harare conference center when the session re-opened with about 4, 000 registered delegates.