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俄罗斯最初对该提议的反应抱怀疑态度。Russia's initial response seems to have been incredulity.

他甚至还假装出一副不相信的神气在微笑。He even looked at her with a smile of affected incredulity.

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开始时他没有感觉,只觉得全然没法子相信。At the beginning he had no feeling except sheer incredulity.

在第一次培训的时候,我个人的反应是对其持怀疑的态度。My personal reaction on first being trained was incredulity.

我立刻想到我理解了我个人怀疑的预感了。For an instant, I thought that I understood my own feelings of incredulity.

本周,整个计划被媒体公诸于众,越南人对此嗤之以鼻。As news of the plan hit the media this week, Vietnamese expressed incredulity.

新浪微博上一些用户表达了他们的质疑。Some users took to micro-blogging site Sina Weibo to express their incredulity.

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卡琳那张圆圆的小脸红了,她心里又高兴又怀疑,两方面像在打架似的。Carreen's round little face became pink, as pleasure struggled with incredulity.

孟席斯自己的调查方法,让人们怀疑他的无能。Menzies' own account of his research techniques leaves one gasping with incredulity at his incompetence.

恭听了她的一席话,在场的人表情不一,有的乐意,有的怀疑,还有的感激。Her successive statements were received with the proper expressions of amusement, incredulity and gratitude.

这种挑战是要问现在人们所做的什么事情,也会确保50年或100年后受到类似的道德怀疑。The challenge is to ask what's happening now that in 50 or 100 years will warrant similar ethical incredulity.

“但是你们不明白,”福特说,他的表情从一点点的惊讶变成了完全的质疑。"But you don't understand, " said Ford, his expression slowly ripening from a little taken abackness into rank incredulity.

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当朝鲜已经建立了先进的铀浓缩工厂的新闻传来时,中国的媒体对此持怀疑态度。The news that North Korea had built a sophisticated uranium enrichment plant was received with incredulity by Chinese media outlets.

投票表决反对萨达母政权前,美参议院民主党愿等待联合国行动,布什对此表示怀疑。Mr. Bush expressed incredulity that Senate Democrats would wait for the United Nations to act before voting on a resolution against Saddam.

2006年她在中国各地旅行时,她进行的一些采访甚至使她的摄影师惊恐得不敢相信。When she travelled the length and breadth of China in 2006, some of the interviews she conducted reduced even her Chinese cameraman to horrified incredulity.

作为奇点理论最引人注目的拥护者,库兹韦尔对所有的质疑声音都耳熟能详,并无数次解答过受众的各种疑问,他是一位好脾气的答疑解惑者。As the Singularity's most visible champion, he has heard all the questions and faced down the incredulity many, many times before. He's good-natured about it.

“我理解卢浮宫的怀疑和惊讶,毕竟这幅画是世上已经被研究得最多的一幅画,”文生对路透社说,“但是他们的否定是盲目的,”文生补充道。"I can understand their incredulity and amazement -- after all this must be the most studied picture on earth," he told AFP, but added "they're really blind."

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而我们应该说,那红字深深烙进海丝特的胸膛,因此在那个传说中包含着比我们如今将信将疑的更多的真理。And we must needs say, it seared Hester's bosom so deeply, that perhaps there was more truth in the rumour than our modern incredulity may be inclined to admit.

曾经,美国放松的日常生活方式对以色列人来说是一种向往,可现在却变成了他们对美国这种松懈的航空防卫态度的一种质疑。What had once been for many Israelis a longing for the re laxed normality of life in America turned to incredulity at the laxness of US attitudes to airline safety.

诺曼·米勒在休斯敦等待目睹鹰号的着陆,他记录了当他看到记者们从电视直播车里蜂拥而出的那一激动瞬间,他说自己简直难以置信。Norman Mailer, in Houston to witness the Eagle's landing, recorded the switch?blade moment when he voiced his own incredulity at seeing reporters file out of the live telecasts in droves.