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未来尚未确定,一切掌握在自己手中。Goals undefined. The future is in our hands.

其它的所有情况,其行为都是未定义的。In all other cases, the behavior is undefined.

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未定义的引用,上次我们是怎么解决的呢?Undefined reference, what was the solution last time?

评价“PHP算符优先”未定义的顺序?PHP operator precedence "Undefined order of evaluation"?

其余的都是私人所有,或者所有权未定。The rest is in private hands, or its ownership is undefined.

占位符链接就是与开始时未定义目标的链接。A placeholder link is a link with an initially undefined target.

如何修复错误与未定义的错误和设计轨道的康康舞?How to fix an error with undefined error with cancan and devise in rails?

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为什么在RSPEC未定义的方法在一个包含模块调用方法吗?。Why undefined method in RSPEC for a call to method in an included module?

它还让用户可以显示应用程序中任意未定义的值。It also allows the user to display any undefined values in the application.

慢性腹痛病史较长,性质不定。Chronic abdominal pain presents a rather long history with undefined quality.

但是,相关的高血糖损害的机制尚不明确。However, the mechanisms underlying such hyperglycemic injury remain undefined.

有关的报道其预后各异,而最佳的治疗尚未确定。Reported prognoses are heterogeneous, and optimal treatment remains undefined.

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存储地址是毫无意义的,和废除它未定义的行为。Storing its address is pointless, and dereferencing it is undefined behaviour.

这些尚未定义的空间将无疑地会受到热烈的竞逐与争斗。These as-yet undefined spaces will no doubt be hotly contested and fought over.

她的心灵澈如水,不时闪动着无法描述的奇光异彩,而他的心里却是一片黑暗和阴郁。Her soul was new, undefined and glimmering with the unseen. And his soul was dark and gloomy.

谁该对机器的安全负责,这问题是个不能确定的灰色领域。Who should take a responsibility to machines' security , which is an undefined greyness field.

返回一个专用键名的字符串指针。从不明键代码返回“?”Returns a pointer to the string holding the specified key name. For undefined key codes returns "?".

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动作脚本数据类型包括字符串、数字、布尔…The ActionScript data types are String, Number, Boolean, Object, MovieClip, Function, null, and undefined.

这可能导致不明确、不可预见的后果,要跟踪这种情况也是很困难很耗时间的。This can result in undefined and unexpected behavior, which can be difficult and time-consuming to track down.

1947年,中国拿着一张九段线的地图,宣称所有的岛屿都在这些线内。In 1947, China produced a map with 9 undefined dotted lines, and claimed all of the islands within those lines.