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我在这里人地生疏。I'm a stranger here.

你是谁,陌生人?Who are you, stranger?

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这人就是费金。The stranger was Fagin.

在纽约他是一个异乡人。He is a stranger in New York.

他曾饱尝贫穷之苦。He is no stranger to poverty.

那个陌生人脱帽致敬。The stranger took his hat off.

他是同僚中的怪客。He is a fellow of the stranger.

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他对我完全是个陌生人。He's a complete stranger to me.

狗对著陌生人狂吠。The dog yapped at the stranger.

狗封陌生人咧嘴露牙。The dog grinned at the stranger.

狗对陌生人咧嘴露牙。The dog growled at the stranger.

你也是地球上的一个陌生人。You are a stranger on earth too.

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一见如故,再见陌路。At first sight, goodbye stranger.

他被一个陌生人用步枪击倒。He was rifled down by a stranger.

一个陌生人怎么会知道我是谁?How can a stranger know who I am?

我仔细的大量了这个陌生人。I gave the stranger the double-O.

那男孩气呼呼地看着陌生人。The boy glowered at the stranger.

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阿齐姆对加州并不陌生。Amir is no stranger to California.

一位陌生人在公共汽车上同他搭讪。A stranger accosted him on the bus.

那陌生人用眼睛盯着他说The stranger gazed intently at him.