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他以无比的勇气面对他的敌人。He faced his enemy with unequaled courage.

无可匹敌的选择新的和二手设备。Unequaled selection of both new and used equipment.

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这所学校能提供在国内无与伦比的研究设施。This school provides research facilities unequaled in the country.

这位德伯夫人是一位道德最高,慈悲无比的太太。This Mrs. d'Urberville was a lady of unequaled virtues and charity.

这个国家公园的自然景观和科研价值,是无与伦比的。The national park is unequaled for its nature beauty and scientific value.

举目四望,无边无际,而目之所及,万物皆为伟大和自由而创造,高贵无比。Everything that you saw made for greatness and freedom, and unequaled nobility.

一把攻击迅速的小刀能象范围性武器一样可以对敌人造成巨大的伤害。A quick barrage of knives can inflict great damage, making them unequaled as ranged weapons.

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他在各个星球平息了无数纠纷,在经典形式的光剑格斗中所向无敌。He settled numerous disputes on scattered worlds and was unequaled in a classical form of lightsaber combat.

主教的信是发动一场在美国历史上没有前例的诬蔑和恐吓运动的信号。Bishop's letter was the signal for a campaign of vilification and intimidation unequaled in American history.

他的最高权威的勇气是高兴地做出非常大的纪念碑,无与伦比的因为创造的世界。The heart of his majesty was pleased to make very great monuments, unequaled since the creation of the world.

SQL注入可能是方的申请号的任何一个问题的服务器,这本书是其无与伦比的覆盖面。SQL injection is probably the number one problem for any server-side application, and this book is unequaled in its coverage.

今天早上当我仅仅花几分钟与我的两个小孩在一起的时候,我的感受是生命中的其他事情所不能给予的。When I spent even just a few minutes with my two babies this morning, it filled me with a joy unequaled anywhere else in life.

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中国公民和中国利益在全球开枝散叶的速度是该国悠久历史中独一无二的。Chinese citizens and Chinese interests are fanning out around the globe at a rate that is unequaled in this country's long history.

华尔街认为,从这个公司的表现来看,巴菲特近30年来的投资经几乎是独步天下。Part of the company’s appeal to Wall St. is the fact that Warren Buffett’s investing track record over the last 30 years is unequaled.

所有这些比赛项目使大量优秀的运动员能够聚焦在一起,这种场面是世界上其他任何体育比赛都无法相提并论的。These sports and more, all combine to bring together a huge array of talented athletes, in a sports event spectacular unequaled in the world.

地球在她45亿年的历史长河中,已经见证了几次大规模的灭绝,但是发生在二叠纪末的整个重大事件在规模上堪称史无前例。The Earth has witnessed several mass extinctions in its 4.5bn year history, but the event that struck at the end of the Permian was unequaled in scale.

坦桑尼亚国家公园的黑猩猩用棍子来「钓」牠们的白蚁美食,再次证明他的智慧以及与人类血缘相近。Chimps in Tanzania's Gombe Park use sticks to "fish" for termites, demonstrating their intelligence and their unequaled evolutionary closeness to humans.

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该公司在华北的经销商WesTrac的主管布赖恩特表示,中国的建筑繁荣是世界其他地方无法比拟的。China's construction boom "is unequaled by anywhere else in the world," says Martin Bryant, director of WesTrac, the Caterpillar dealer for northern China.

在米兰内洛的气氛就像一些事情那样我是无法描述的,在球队中无论是在场内还是在场外的你的工作都是不同的。The atmosphere at the Milanello is something that I just can't describe, the people that you work with both on and off the field are unequaled in their class.

我们庆幸能生活在美国这一片充满平等机会的土地,在这片土地上,一个非洲裔移民可以升任为我们的最高统帅。We are so grateful to live in this land, a land of unequaled possibility, where a son of an African immigrant can rise to the highest level of our leadership.