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跟贪婪的死神订立一份永久的合同!A dateless bargain to engrossing death!

跟贪婪的死神订立一份永久的契约!A dateless bargain to engrossing death!

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印下堂堂正正的一吻,与死神签下永世的契约!Seal with a righteous kiss a dateless bargain to engrossing death!

当你接受了某项任务时,你才会表现地非常放松。You're most relaxed when applying yourself to some engrossing task.

英勇无畏的西蒙说能接受这样“引人入胜”的工作自己非常幸运。Undaunted, Mr Stheeman says he is fortunate to have such an engrossing job.

很多人认为,此次辩论正是这场非同寻常又趣味横生的竞选的暖场。Many considered it an appetiser for an unusually engrossing Japanese election campaign.

现在他无病呻吟的盛名却使他成了吸引她浓厚兴趣的目标。But his eminence as a valetudinarian now made him an object of engrossing interest, and Mrs.

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我觉得这样完全中世纪迷人,这本书是从开始到结束引人入胜。I find the Middle Ages so totally fascinating, and this book was engrossing from beginning to end.

生活中绝大多数事都比不上训练有素,经验丰富的论敌间的激烈辩论引人入胜。Few things in life are as engrossing as a good fight between highly trained and skilled adversaries.

仅我的关于这个节目的评论是它意想不到地是创造性的,大字书写和启发。My only comment on this program itself is that it is unexpectedly creative, engrossing and inspiring.

他直截了当的散文风格和目前使用的历史给他的工作的一个引人入胜的紧迫性。His straightforward prose style and use of the historic present give his work an engrossing immediacy.

USB具有传输速度快,支持热插拔和即插即用,易于扩展,占用的系统资源少等优点。USB has the advantage of highspeed, HotPlugin, plug and play, easily to expand and engrossing less system resouce, etc.

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欧洲局势均衡这一问题吸引了欧洲外交界的所有注意力。The problem now engrossing the labour of European diplomacy is essentially the problem of the general equilibrium of Europe.

他全力倾注于对情报理论的研究和实践,从谍报世界的外部跨进到了它的内层。Engrossing himself in the Theory and Practice of Intelligence, he crossed from the periphery into the real world of espionage.

英霍夫对于气候变化科学的攻击时如此的不遗余力,直到最近我才知道他在乌干达的影响力。Inhofe’s attacks on climate change science have been so engrossing that until recently I was unaware of his influence in Uganda.

我深深向往一种俭朴的生活,由于经常意识到自己占用了同胞太多的劳动而心有不安。I am strongly drawn to a frugal life and am often oppressively aware that I am engrossing an undue amount of the labor of my fellowmen.

我强烈地向往着俭朴的生活,并且时常为发觉本人占用了同胞的过多劳动而难以忍耐。I am strongly drawn to a frugal life and am often oppressively aware that I am engrossing an undue amount of the labor of my fellow-men.

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肯布尔的回忆录,尤其是“佐治亚庄园的生活日记”一章,不仅引人入胜,而且具有重要历史意义。Kemble's memoirs, especially her "Journal of a Residence on a Georgian Plantation", are as important historically as they are engrossing.

除了可以促进将来的研究,McShea说这些资料可以提供一个引人入胜的了机会让人们了解动物在自然环境中的状态。Aside from bolstering future research, McShea said the database is an engrossing way to learn about animals in their natural environments.

我为那种简单的生活强烈地吸引着,但是我每天都因为占用多余的我的同胞们的劳动而感到自责。I am strongly drawn to the simple life and am often oppressed by the feeling that I am engrossing an unnecessary amount of the labour of my fellow-men.