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但意大利尚未破产。But Italy is not yet insolvent.

你是一个无力偿债的破产者?。Are you an unrehabilitated insolvent ?

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结果债券价值大跌,导致银行破产The value of the paper collapsed and the bank became insolvent.

晚上他都在一个黑漆漆的法院代理做事。His nights were spent in a back-attic of an insolvent court agent.

优先偿付由破产负债人给予一个或多个债权人的优先偿付…A priority of payment given to one or more creditors by an insolvent debtor.

这家公司从运营良好到实际上的资不抵债,仅仅发生在约72小时之内。The firm spiraled from being healthy to practically insolvent in about 72 hours.

日前,德国制造商Nici玩具公司宣布破产,因其生产的2006年世界盃吉祥物狮子格列奥受到市场冷落。The German manufacturer of World Cup mascot "Goleo" has declared itself insolvent.

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如果按当前支出速度计算,医疗保险金和社会保险金将很快破产。Medicare and Social Security will soon be insolvent at the current rates of disbursement.

通用决定在2008年抛弃这个品牌,如果是这样的话,那么萨博将会立即资不抵债。GM decided to jettison the brand in late 2008, and the small company quickly became insolvent.

法院指定了一个接管人以管理和清算破产公司的资产。The court appointed a receiver to administer and liquidate the assets of an insolvent corporation.

在欧洲,各国领导人必须迅速行动解决日益恶化的债务危机,处理银行无力偿还的问题。In Europe, leaders must move quickly to solve a deepening debt crisis and deal with insolvent banks.

接管人系由债权人所指定,负责接管破产或无力偿还债务的公司的资产。A receiver is appointed by creditors to take control of the assets of a bankrupt or insolvent company.

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一旦无力偿债银行的无担保债权人真的遭受损失,市场纪律就将重返整个行业。Once unsecured debtholders of insolvent banks lose, market discipline would return to the whole sector.

同时,为了理清那些真正破产的银行的债务,有必要对它们采取暂时的管控。At the same time, it takes temporary control of truly insolvent banks, in order to clean up their books.

我们可能会衰落,交给我们下一代的将是一个相对虚弱、分裂、资不抵债且处于危险之中的美国。We may well decline, and pass on a weaker, more divided, more insolvent and at-risk America to our children.

在欧洲,各国领导人必须迅速行动解决日益恶化的债务危机,处理银行无力偿还的问题。In Europe, leaders must move quickly to solve a deepening debt crisis and deal with insolvent banks. In the U.

组织出售或管理已破产的审计事务所的机制并不确定,并且是未经检验的。The mechanisms for organising the sale or administration of an insolvent audit firm are uncertain and untried.

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挪威在发现其最大的银行破产时,迅速采取行动,也许是因为这样就避免了更糟糕的命运。Norway probably avoided a worse fate by acting swiftly once it was clear that its biggest banks were insolvent.

美国政府不大可能做这些事情,因此用传统的说法,它没有资不抵债。S. government is unlikely to do either of these things and therefore, in conventional parlance, is not insolvent.

这必须要去区分哪些银行虽然无流动资金且投资不足却有能力偿还,哪些银行是资不抵债的。You have to do triage between banks that are illiquid and undercapitalized but solvent and those that are insolvent.