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永佳得余下的。Angah gets of the remainder.

9减4,余数为5。Take 4 from 9 and the remainder is 5.

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他在日本度过了余生。He spent the remainder of his years in Japan.

将两个数相除并返回余数。Divides two numbers and returns the remainder.

我把这一下午其余的时间用在游戏上了。I spent the remainder of the afternoon in play.

剩下的上药过程中,他们都是在沉默之中度过的。I spent the remainder of the afternoon in play.

它可使我们能估计余项。It makes us possible to estimate the remainder.

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熟了以后,再加入剩馀的胡荽菜。Once cooked, add the remainder of the coriander.

在剪彩的剩余部分青蓝。The remainder of the ribbon is Ultramarine Blue.

检查陀螺仪,进近时勿再拨置。Check gyro and do not reset remainder of approach.

他们把剩下的庄稼过了秤并贮藏在阁楼顶层。They measured and lofted the remainder of the crop.

进度表中的剩余材料量源于MPS。The remainder of the schedule is derived from the MPS.

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本章节的剩余内容介绍了这些模型。The remainder of this section introduces those models.

剩下的上药过程中,他们都是在沉默之中度过的。They conduct the remainder of the procedure in silence.

上面的第二条指令就重新产生了余数。The second instruction above reconstructs the remainder.

我们上次看到,这里是剩下的操作。We saw last time that there is this remainder operation.

剩余生菜可装入塑料袋,然后再放入冰箱储存。Store the remainder in the refrigerator in a plastic bag.

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本文余下的内容假设您已完成了这项操作。The remainder of this article assumes you have done this.

这项战略会在文章的剩余部分中进行讨论。This strategy is discussed in the remainder of this article.

因此,3除以5等于,余数为3。So, three divided by five is zero, with a remainder of three.