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天主是全善的么?Is God infinitely good?

或者宇宙又是无限的大。Or it might be infinitely big.

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周期是无限大。The period is infinitely long.

这堆干草可是无穷庞大。That haystack is infinitely large.

相反,人类是具有无限可塑性的。Rather, people are infinitely malleable.

如果有无限多的东西呢?What if there are infinitely many things?

物质是否无限可分?Whether material is infinitely dividable?

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要怎样引导这个无限复杂的国家呢?How can this infinitely complex nation be led?

她的眼睛明亮而真诚,无限深邃。Her eyes are luminous, honest, infinitely deep.

人类大脑具有无限的可塑性。The human brain is almost infinitely malleable.

这个问题清单可能很长,但不会是无限制的。Such a list may be long but not infinitely so.

上帝以你无法想你到的方式爱你God loves you infinitely more than you can imagine

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神的爱远超过你所能想像的。God loves you infinitely more than you can imagine.

回看这些照片,会感受到无限怆然。Looking back at these photos, would feel infinitely sad.

尤其要注意那些会无限阻塞内核的情况。Extra care must be taken not to infinitely block the kernel.

三角形荷载作用在无限长的条形面积上。Triangularly distributed load on an infinitely long strip-area.

为当代高素质家居生活增添无限情趣。For the contemporary high-quality home life infinitely more fun.

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只要夕阳无限好,何须在乎近黄昏。As long as the sun is infinitely good, why caring about the dusk.

这意味着气体球是无限大的,不符合实际情况。That means the gas ball is infinitely large, which is unphysical.

他的另一半生活好像与伤风败俗相距甚远。The other half of his life seemed infinitely remote from obscenity.