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删除无关紧要的空话。Slough off unimportant verbiage.

你应当删除掉这些不重要的细节。You should cut out the unimportant details.

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他跟B女士的短信内容无足轻重。When he texts Mrs B, the content is unimportant.

你为什么要这么一小块不值钱的火石呢?Why do you need such a small and unimportant flint?

你认为拉尔会看上如此无足轻重的区区之物吗?Do you think Lal will care for anything so unimportant?

他不肯屈尊和像我这样不重要的人说话。He doesn't deign to talk to unimportant people like me.

他只是大笑,认为这个主意不重要而不加考虑。He just laughed, and dismissed the idea as unimportant.

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向人们展现我们在世界史上有多麽重要。To show people how unimportant we are in world history.

他的主要缺点是爱对小事吹毛求疵。His main weakness is to quibble over unimportant things.

Gen1的集合数量相对并不重要。The number of Gen1 collections is relatively unimportant.

阿娇进入房间,仿佛世界不重要。Gillian entered the room as if the world were unimportant.

他只是笑了笑,认为问题无足轻重而不予考虑。He just laughed, and dismissed the question as unimportant.

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他常与别人争辩一些无关紧要的问题。He often remonstrated with others about unimportant matter.

第一种没有胜利的情况是为一些不重要的事情争吵。The first no-win situation is quarrels over unimportant things.

这里是引喻他为飞行先驱的意思,在这里也并不重要。Reaction has not changed since Icarus , and is unimportant here.

然后决定什么是值得你拼搏的,那些不甚重要的烦扰就别去管了。Decide for what is worth struggling for and let go of unimportant hassles.

就算给人以蠢笨的印象也不要紧…Calculate to the person also unimportant with the stupid stupid impression.

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对某些人来说这听起来并不重要,但是我认为这是最基本的。This might sound unimportant to some people, but I believe it is essential.

各个“子民”之间的合作对于整个计划的成功来说无足轻重。The cooperation of the "subjects" is unimportant for the success of the plan.

但她无视这一切细枝末节,因为野兽有颗爱人的心!But she ignored all that unimportant trivia, because the Beast had a loving heart!