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他们今天开始全线反攻。They started to countercharge on all fronts today.

我国的反诉制度起步较晚,在现实中存在很大的缺陷。Countercharge system in our country has many defects in reality.

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我们计划等案件移到北京后再提起反诉,要求天创公司赔偿我们的损失。We planned to do a countercharge and request Tianchuang company pay off our loss.

虽然反诉制度是一项实务性很强的制度,但其本身却蕴涵了深刻的诉讼法理。Countercharge system has its usefulness in practice and profound procedural meaning in theory as well.

反诉制度是现代民事诉讼中的一项重要制度,是一种独立之诉。Countercharge system is a important system in modern civil lawsuit, is a kind of independence Zhi tell.

反诉是民事诉讼中的一项重要制度,也是民事诉讼理论中的一个重要问题。Countercharge is not only an important system of civil litigation, but an important theoretic issue of that also.

在认识到反诉制度所蕴涵的深刻诉讼法理后,反诉制度得到了更加的重视和运用。Countercharge system is attached more importance to after its propound procedural meaning in theory is fully realized.

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另悉,现在,迅雷公司则已经提起了针对MPA方面的反诉讼。Additional all, current, fast thunder company had raised to be aimed at the countercharge bring a case to court of MPA respect.

继受权利包括代为承认权、提起反诉权和进行调解权等权利。Authorized rights consist of the right to acknowledge for litigants, the right of conciliation and the right to countercharge and so on.

反诉的牵连性是指反诉与本诉在诉讼理由或攻击防御方法上存在事实上或法律上的联系。Countercharge's implicating nature is to point to a countercharge and to appeal in legal action reason or go at defense method to mount existence in fact or legally connection.

然而土豆网并未放弃反诉激动网侵犯名誉权的官司,消息人士称该官司仍在法律程序之中。However potato net did not abandon countercharge the lawsuit that excited net encroachs reputation to counterpoise, message personage says this lawsuit still is in legal order.

本部分对反诉的内涵及其起源进行了探讨,并就反诉制度的特征和价值进行分析。This part has carried out investigation and discussion on the connotation countercharge and their origin, and with regard to the characteristic and value countercharge system carry out analysis.