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卧室不可悬挂太多风铃,以免神经衰弱。Campanula bedroom can not fly too much, so as not to neurasthenia.

楼角各系有风铃,迎风摆动,其声清脆悦耳。Lau Kok's departments have Campanula , the wind swinging, clear sound beautiful.

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山梗菜是桔梗科半边莲属植物山梗菜的带根全草。Lobelia is Campanula half lotus plants Lobelia sessilifolia Lamb with the whole grass roots.

青春的风铃叩开了心扉,青春的彩笛吹动了梦想,青春的音符带动我奔向希望。Campanula youth into the heart, the youth Caidi stirred the dream, youth notes driven me to hope.

每层塔檐均用绿色琉璃瓦铺盖,檐角悬挂着风铃,铃声嘹亮悦耳。Every tower canopies are of uniform green glazed tile, hanging Yanjiao Campanula , ringtones Liaoliang pleasant.

如果你要送我,就送我一只五彩的风铃,就让它挂在我的屋子中央,时时在我心头敲响。If you want to send me, send me a colorful Campanula , so hang in my house and the central, constant ringing in my heart.

桃花谢了梨花一树一树的白,五月的风吹起起的时候槐花便像风铃一样挂满了粗大的枝干。Thanks peach of a pear tree a white tree, starting from May the wind will be like when Sophorae Campanula hung like a thick branches.

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这时鸡必须还是活的,然后如风铃一般在风雪之中“咕咕“直叫,其景慰为壮观。At this time the chicken or the need to live, and then as general Campanula in the snow in "Goo" Zhijiao, the Wei Jingsheng for the spectacular.

通过比较桔梗科已有的大量细胞学资料认为该类群应该与风铃草属和沙参属所代表的类群关系较近。By comparing with other cytological data of Campanulaceae , this species is probably tetraploid and the genus Homocodon maybe close to Campanula and Adenophora in phylogeny.

特殊治疗,注意灯光,我写了一步一步上升,这是使我微笑,真的很感谢的全部含义,玫瑰。And several of the special treatmentcareful lamplightas I write up step by steprisingand this is making me smilereally appreciate the full meaningrose. Campanula LanglangDong Dong sound.

企业承接各种冲压件加工、汽车配件加工、模具制造加工,企业还自主开发了铁制户外草坪风铃工艺品系列。Enterprises to undertake various stamping parts processing, auto parts processing, mold manufacturing processes, enterprises have also developed a self-iron outdoor lawn Campanula Crafts series.