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进到大头贴照相亭。Go into a sticker photo booth.

也许给他们一张贴纸,或者一个玩具。Maybe you give them a sticker or a toy.

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那个标签要是贴在S65上就更好看了。That sticker would look better on the S65.

猜测正确的孩子将赢得一个奖状。Children who guessed right won a sticker prize.

我需要一个公司,可以打印不干胶标签。I need a company that can print sticker labels.

有二十二名儿童愿意把多于一张的贴画分给别人。Twenty-two children gave away more than one sticker.

我要在这个假腿上粘一张贴纸,叫它“快乐的腿”。I want to put a sticker on it, and call it Happy Leg.

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那是一台黄色计程车上面贴有黑色贴纸。It was a yellow cab with a black sticker on the body.

那么,为什么你爸爸把同性恋贴纸贴在他车上?Well, why did your dad have a gay sticker on his car?

不过,如果你是在一个正式的大商场里购物的话,应该照价付款,毫无商量的余地。In shops, you must almost always pay the sticker price.

什么人们会愿意为贴有“新奇士”标签的橘子汽水支付更高的价格?Why do we pay more for an orange with a Sunkist sticker?

用一个粘贴封膜紧紧地将切口闭合密封。Close tightly sealing made the cut with a sticker MicroSeal.

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准备好将于2012实施的新的汽车油耗标签的巨大变化。Get ready for a new kind of sticker shock in 2012. The U. S.

或者把它放在你的名片、布告板、或者缓冲器中。Or put it on your busines card, billboard or a bumper sticker.

购买时请认明本网站专用防伪标签!Please identify the gohnb anti-counterfeit sticker while purchase!

但是如果在慈善店里买东西的话,按标价付费吧。But when you’re shopping at a charity store, pay the sticker price.

产品编号印在靠近横杆的一张不干胶标签上。The item number is printed on a sticker on the rear wheel crossbar.

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看到右侧EMI衬垫那里的白色三角形标签没?Notice the white triangular sticker located on the right EMI shield?

每次孩子按照指示做完家务,他都会得到一个贴纸。Each time a child follows through with a task, he receives a sticker.

你看,上面甚至还有价格条码贴纸,看起来是全新的。Look, it even had a bar-code price sticker on it! It looked brand new.