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有没有可操作的方法供借鉴?。Are there exercisable methods to borrow?

应用实例验证了算法的有效性和可操作性。The applied examples prove that the method is both effective and exercisable.

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工件识别实例验证了算法的有效性和可操作性。The example of parts recognition proves that the method is both effective and exercisable.

所建立的综合评价指标体系科学、客观、可操作性强。The evaluation indexes system of MUS we founded is scientific, impersonal, and exercisable.

在美来居,整体卫生间也是其中一种可操作的模式。Will reside in the beauty, integral toilet also is among them mode of a kind of exercisable.

文章结尾对资源枯竭型城市社会问题的解决提出几点建设性的意见和措施。At the end, the paper gives some exercisable advises and measures on how to solve these social problems in mine-exhausted towns.

因此本文从人性化设计的理念出发,探讨了就医环境中的细部设计的可操作的手法。The paper mainly discusses the exercisable planning methods of details in Medical environment designs from the idea of Humanistic approach.

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首次执行日之前可行权的股份支付,不应追溯调整。?。Any retroactive modulation may be not made to any share-based payment made for any exercisable right before the date of initial implementation.

只有通过建立完善的具有可操作性的证人保护机制,才能打消证人的后顾之忧,让其大胆出庭作证。Only establishing perfect and exercisable witness protection system can dispel the worry of witness, and make them testify before court without fear.

探索了一些在化学教学中应用归纳和演绎法来培养创新性思维能力的具体的、可操作的措施。Some exercisable measures are probed into for training innovative thinking ability by application of induction and deduction in the chemistry teaching.

本文试图通过对教学情境的理性思考,探索创设教学情境的操作层面。This article attempts to explore the exercisable level of the design and creation of teaching circumstances through the rational thinking of the situation.

最后,针对我国年薪制实施过程中存在的问题,本文设计了一个新的具有较强操作性经营者年薪制方案模型,并结合AB公司的实施情况对模型进行了进一步阐述。Finally, we design a new model to the managers' yearly payment system that is exercisable and make explanations to the model combining with the reality of AB Company.

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以往毁苇造田,使湿地生态系统受损,为保护生态功能,提出了具有可操作性芦苇湿地恢复措施。Aiming at past illogical actions such as ruining wet land into farmland irrationally, some exercisable countermeasures for the resume of eco- function were put forward.

指出让演示实验进入大学物理课堂教学的必要性,并举了一些易于操作的演示实验实例。Its necessary letting demonstration experiments step into the teaching classroom of college physics. Some exercisable physics demonstration experiments are illustrated.

我国预告登记制度的真正有效发挥作用,需要在将来的不动产登记法律、法规中对预告登记制度做出详尽的和可操作的规定。We should provide some elaborate and exercisable rules in the registration laws and regulations so that the preliminary registration institution could be more effective.

通过在多个实际系统中的应用,证明此方案不仅可以满足企业对信息系统权限管理的要求,而且使权限管理具有很高的灵活性和可操作性。Several practical application prove that this resolvent not only can appease enterprise's request for privilege management of MIS, but also is very flexible and exercisable.

比起对表达自由和舆论监督进行原则性规定而言,抗辩事由具有直观和可操作性强的特点。If we compare defamation defenses to the principle provisions of freedom of expression and supervision by public opinion, we can find them are intuitionistic and exercisable.

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受益人对于受益凭证之权利,依其受益凭证所载内容,按受益权之单位数行使之。The rights of the beneficiary shall be in accordance with the content recorded on the beneficiary certificate and are exercisable according to the number of beneficiary units.

共产学说就是用以创建人类新型社会的学说,具有可操作性,或者说具有可实践性,具有解决现实问题的法和技。Communism is a doctrine that can be used to create a new kind of human society. It is rather exercisable , or practicable, with methods and skills that can solve practical problems.

如果这些奖励的股票期权是价内期权,这说明期权行权即可赢利,这些利润是要交税的,当然他们想避免交税If they awarded options that were "In the money" -that means already exercisable at profit -then they would be subject to a tax liability immediately, so they don't want to do that.