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为了要握有刺的棍子,首先得戴上手套。One puts on gloves before grasping a thorn cudgel.

他常欺负你,我真为你打抱不平。He often bullies you. I really take up the cudgel for you.

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那个穿黄大衣的人,手里捏着他的棍子和包袱。The yellow man carried his bundle and his cudgel in his hand.

他拥有一根神奇的金箍棒和高强的武功。He had a magic golden cudgel and tremendously supernatural power.

他一面说,一面把布袋和棍子放在屋角里。As he spoke, he deposited his knapsack and his cudgel in a corner.

手持金箍棒、身穿寿字衣,老孙是孩子的好玩伴。Golden- tipped cudgel in hand, Monkey is a favorite with children.

他拿起他的包袱和棍子,跳下车。He took his bundle and his cudgel and jumped down from the vehicle.

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如长拳、太极拳、南拳、剑术、刀术、枪术、棍术等。If Changquan, Taijiquan, Nanquan, sword, knife, spear, cudgel and so on.

别以为你丫长的像金箍棒似的,我就怕你了。Do not think you like the golden cudgel like a long Ah, I'm afraid of you.

德纳第望着那根粗壮无比的棍棒和那一片荒凉的地方。Thenardier noted the enormous size of the cudgel and the solitude of the spot.

1986年参加江苏省武术比赛棍术冠军。Jiangsu Province in 1986, participated in martial arts competitions cudgel title.

梢子棍携带方便,对于经常出差在外的人可用它挑担包裹,又可作钩用。Shaozi cudgel is convenient to be carried. It can be used to carry a load or as hook.

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这人身材高大,穿一件长大衣,胳膊底下夹着一条短棍。The man was of lofty stature, clad in a long frock-coat, with a cudgel under his arm.

2004年第三届传统武术比赛三节棍一等奖、拳术一等奖。Traditional Wushu Competition in 2004 three-section cudgel third prize, boxing award.

你这样绞尽脑汁去解决报上的那个智力测验题值得吗?Is it worthwhile to cudgel your brains to find a solution to that puzzle on the newspaper?

最近中国就在向商界展示其经济大棒的商业端。Lately, China has been showing the business world the business end of its economic cudgel.

使用高音喇叭,千万要见机行事,不能授人以柄。When using loudspeakers , be sure to use your discretion. You can't teach others with a cudgel.

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那个老妇人正试图用棍子把牛赶上梯子去吃屋顶上的草。And the old woman was trying her best to cudgel her cow into going up a ladder to eat the grass.

此器械比棍的威力更强大,在棍的前方加上一个梢子头,把棍的用处发挥得淋漓尽致。The Shaoxi Cudgel is more powerful than cudgel. Added a Shaozi in the front of the cudgel, it can exert its force fully.

2005年全国首届传统武术比赛获拳术银牌、三节棍银牌。In 2005, the first national boxing silver medal by the traditional martial arts competition, three-section cudgel silver.