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激光治疗尖锐湿疣。Laser treatment of condyloma.

治疗尖锐湿疣关键是选择正确的治疗方法。The key is to select the correct treatment of condyloma.

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王刚最终被诊断为尖锐湿疣。Wang Gang was eventually diagnosed as condyloma acuminatum.

尖锐湿疣治疗费用不能一概而论。Condyloma acuminatum treatment costs can not be generalized.

目前使用激光进行尖锐湿疣的治疗是比较普遍的,也有较好效果。At present, it is more common to use laser to treat condyloma.

恶性肿瘤是尖锐湿疣是最严重的并发症。Malignant tumor is the most serious complication of condyloma.

目的和方法为了治疗宫颈尖锐湿疣,采取CO2激光治疗方法。OBJECTIV and METHOD We used CO2 Laser treat condyloma acuminatus.

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香菇能预防尖锐湿疣复。The shiitake mushroom can prevent the incisive condyloma duplicate.

目的提高肛管内尖锐湿疣的一次性治愈率。Objective To rise the cure of the condyloma acuminata in anal canal.

扁平湿疣疹易误诊为尖锐湿疣等。The condyloma latum was commonly misdiagnosed as condyloma acuminatum.

尖锐湿疣的诱发因素三、母婴传播。Predisposing factors of condyloma acuminatum, three maternal transmission.

目的探讨尿道内尖锐湿疣的有效治疗方法。Objective To review the effective treatment for urethral condyloma acuminatum.

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氨基酮戊酸光动力疗法治疗男性尿道尖锐湿疣。Aminolevulinic Acid Photodynamic Therapy for Male Urethra Condyloma Acuminatum.

尖锐湿疣常用的食疗方有菝葜饮、蛇舌草饮等。Condyloma acuminatum commonly used therapeutic side to drink, drink Smilax diffusa.

其中菝葜饮比较适合尖锐湿疣毒热患者。Which is more suitable for drinking Smilax toxic heat in patients with condyloma acuminatum.

女性尖锐湿疣患者感到的症状就是患处非常的痒,有灼痛感或者是压迫感。Feel the female patients with condyloma acuminatum lesion symptom is very itchy, pain or oppression.

结论HPV感染不仅与尖锐湿疣有关,还与上皮内瘤变及癌有关。Conclusions HPV infection relates not only to condyloma acuminatum, but also to other cervical lesion.

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对单发或少量多发湿疣可行一次性治疗,对多发或面积大的湿疣。A single or small number of multiple condyloma feasible treatment, multiple or large area of condyloma.

在明白了尖锐湿疣的治疗难点后,接下来我们再说说治疗尖锐湿疣的方法对策。After understanding the treatment difficulties of condyloma, then we say that the treatment of condyloma.

鉴别诊断包括鳞状细胞癌,疣状癌以及尖锐湿疣。The differential diagnosis includes squamous cell carcinoma, verrucous carcinoma and condyloma acuminatum.