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他碾磨你们,直至你们清白。He grinds you to whiteness.

权且称之为“白”的危机。Call it the crisis of whiteness.

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测定了漂白后各污布的白度值。The values of whiteness were measured.

完全纯纸浆原料制造,纸基白度高。Made of pure paper pulp with high whiteness.

通过酸处理后,云母白度达到75以上。By acid treatment, the whiteness was over 75.

黑色的包头巾使她的皮肤显得更加白皙。The black wimple enhanced the whiteness of her skin.

不拘男女,若肉皮上起了些斑痕,即白色的斑痕。If a whiteness appear in the skin of a man or a woman.

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她鲜红色的口红更衬出了她牙齿的洁白。Her scarlet lipstick emphasized the whiteness of her teeth.

整体白度与两个重要参数有关。Total whiteness is combination of two important parameters.

白度是颜料钛白的一项重要技术指标。Whiteness is a critical technical property for TiO 2 pigment.

白茫茫一片,就像翩翩然不知所以。Was a vast expanse of whiteness as PianPianRan didn't know so.

在冬天,这里下雪。每件东西都是白的。In the winter it snows here. Everything is covered with whiteness.

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这部电影的政治表达和白人怀旧主义是分不开的。The film ' s politics of nostalgia and whiteness are inextricable.

他们选择高纯度,高白度的方解石为原料。They select high purity and high whiteness calcite as raw material.

他忽略了土地,这仍然是一个白茫茫。He overlooked the land, which was still a vast expanse of whiteness.

馒头和面条还要求低灰分和较高的白度。Low ash content and high whiteness are required both for NSB and DWCN.

白度好,手感柔软,无麻类纤维的刺痒感。The fibre whiteness is better and lofty, has no bast-fibre scratchiness.

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有些器物的白度甚至超过了邢窑的细白瓷器。Some objects even more than the whiteness of fine white porcelain from Xing.

其它的云彩——有大有小,洁白如雪——都跟随着它,不知要往哪儿走。Other clouds follow, big and little and tiny on their march toward whiteness.

经煅烧后的生石灰白度高、活性好。Through calcinations, quicklime is higher in whiteness and better in activity.