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很久以前,自己一个人无牵无挂,好不自在。A long time ago, a man unencumbered own good uncomfortable.

我希望悬挂式滑翔能给我带来无拘无束的纯粹飞行体验。I hoped hang gliding would deliver the unencumbered essence of flight.

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洋葱新闻的写手不向任何党派示忠心。The writers of the Onion are unencumbered by any obvious party loyalty.

结果,我们就有了一种任何人都可以免费使用、不用担心专利问题的视频格式。The result is a video codec that is unencumbered by patents and free for anyone to use.

人生总会有些麻烦的时候,我们需要一个英雄,一个和平常一样不会被政治妨碍的人。These are troubled times, and we need a hero, someone unencumbered by politics as usual.

问题在于我们需要向那些对DRM不感兴趣的用户提供没有任何阻碍的codec。The point is that we need an unencumbered codec for everyone who's not interested in DRM.

想要可以兴许出去并无阻碍的看看宇宙这个胡想将会使成为事实。The dream of being able to go out and just have an unencumbered view of space we'll have it.

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想要能够出去并无阻碍的看看宇宙这个梦想将会实现。The dream of being able to go out and just have an unencumbered view of space – we'll have it.

所以,尽管您可以自由地创建并发布副本,但是您也可以不受限制地销售这些副本。So, while you can make copies and distribute them, both freely, you can also sell such copies unencumbered.

不过,逃离了令人思维枯竭的伦敦,他有更多的自由投入到新小说的创作中。At least, cut off from the irritations of literary London, he was free to grapple unencumbered with the new novel.

在1998年至2008年期间,相比于那些没有被环志的企鹅,环志企鹅死亡率更高,而且它们产仔更少。Banded birds died more frequently than their unencumbered cousins and produced fewer chicks between 1998 and 2008.

其次,如果土地征用已经完成的话,企业对土地的使用不应当受到政府干涉。Second, when a land is settled it should be unencumbered and there should not be any interference from politicians.

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雷诺兹认识到他需要一个住房试验场地,以便尝试不受建筑法规约束的设计。Reynolds recognized the need for a housing test site, where he could try out designs unencumbered by building codes.

我可以自由自在地做好父亲、丈夫和州长这些角色,不受约束地对全国性的争议问题发表意见,以及作相关工作,而无须被当时的抱负束手束脚。I was free to be a father, husband, and governor, and to work and speak on national issues unencumbered by immediate ambitions.

他们的理由是,趁年轻,还没有被拖累的时候,你们就还有时间和精力去干事业。The reasoning is that, while you are young and unencumbered , you have the time and energy to fully devote yourself to a career.

我不会让所谓的知识或者经验妨碍我的行程.造物生已经赐予我足够的知识和本能,这份天赋是其它生物望尘莫及的。I will commence my journey unencumbered with either the weight of unnecessary knowledge or the handicap of meaningless experience.

难道停止呼吸不就是让呼吸从无休的潮汐中解脱,使它得以升腾、扩展、毫无羁绊地去寻求上帝?And what is to cease breathing, but to free the breath from its restless tides, that it may rise and expand and seek God unencumbered?

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除了把呼吸从不停的潮汐中解放,使他上升,扩大,无碍地寻求上帝之外,“气绝”又是什么呢?And what is to cease breathing, but to free the breath from its restless tides, that it may rise and expand and seek God unencumbered ?

不就是使气息从永无休止的潮起潮落中获得解放,以便升腾、扩展并且无阻碍的寻求上帝吗?And what is it to cease breathing, but to free the breath from its restless tides, that it may rise and expand and seek God unencumbered ?

把企业中的“杂草”给拔干净了,自然对迪拜有利,因为这样企业中的“好苗子”就可以风雨无阻的茁壮成长。Dubai itself would certainly benefit from a thorough weeding-out of bad companies, so that its better enterprises can emerge unencumbered.