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她拒绝静脉内的Demerol。She refused the intravenous Demerol.

将导管盘在合适的位置。N. Tape the intravenous tubing in place.

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给药途径主要为静脉滴注。The main administration route was intravenous drip.

十年寒窗的点点滴滴。The decade cold window orders intravenous drop drop.

大剂量静脉滴注尿路造影效果更好。Intravenous drip urography of large dose was more effective.

在某些情况下,经一饲静脉滴注可能是必要的。In some cases, feeding via an intravenous drip may be necessary.

从平凡的点滴中发掘美的韵律。Discover beautiful metre from the banality of the intravenous drop.

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对小鼠和大鼠进行一次性口服给药和静脉注射的研究。Single oral and intravenous studies were conducted in mice and rats.

大剂量静脉推注纳络酮十分安全。Intravenous large doses naloxone is safety in the course of treatment.

最常见使用海洛因的方法就是静脉内注射。Of these options, the most commonly used in the intravenous injection.

病人的剂量为12个星期,每周一次静脉注射。Patients are dosed once per week for 12 weeks by intravenous infusion.

允许口服液体补充静脉体液量。Intravenous fluid repletion allows oral fluids to be offered sparingly.

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治疗应包括温生理盐水静脉滴注。Therapy should consist of intravenous infusion of warm isotonic saline.

鞘内注射和静脉注射可导致认知损伤。Intrathecal and intravenous methotrexate can cause cognitive impairment.

伊朗目前尚无消炎痛和布洛芬的静脉制剂供应。Intravenous forms of indomethacin and ibuprofen are not available in Iran.

通过口服补液盐或静脉注射,霍乱是很容易医治的。Cholera is easily treated with oral rehydration salts or intravenous fluids.

治疗应用时静脉滴注无环乌苷。Intravenous drip treatment applications without Ukrainian Central glycosides.

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目的评价静注地尔硫对心功能的影响,了解其临床安全性。Objective To observe the influence of intravenous diltiazem on heart fuction.

打点滴,输液,静脉输液治疗法。The accident victim was hooked up to a drip administering intravenous fluids.

经验性治疗患者伊曲康唑静脉给药。For the empirical treatment patients, only intravenous itraconazole was given.