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同时他也热心于慈善,总的来说他的一切都近乎超然But he also has a philanthropic side so it all comes out very well.

他被委任为此次慈善活动的形象大使。He was appointed as the image ambassador of the philanthropic activity.

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当然,这个主意还是获得了慈善领域的关注。Still, the idea has captured the imagination of the philanthropic world.

在商业或慈善事业中,同样的原则同样奏效。In mercantile, or philanthropic endeavors, the same principle holds good.

在他升任苹果公司CEO之后就停止了苹果公司的一切慈善活动。And when he became Apple's CEO he stopped all of their philanthropic programs.

鼓励他们将森林问题纳入其宣传或慈善工作。Encourage them to integrate forests into their publicity or philanthropic work.

1826年6月1日,是众所周知的,他的慈善的努力和教育创新。June 1, 1826, is known for his philanthropic efforts and educational innovations.

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共产会员制也具有扶贫济困的慈善功能。The Communist VIP system also has the philanthropic function of poverty alleviation.

三年来担任小布慈善事业和政治顾问的尼尔森的答案是肯定的。Trevor Neilson, Pitt's philanthropic and political advisor of three years, says yes.

怡和旗下很多业务单位都积极参与公益事业。Business units under Jardines have been very supportive on philanthropic initiatives.

在慈善界中最令人尊敬的工作恐怕就是基金会官员了。Perhaps the most prestigious job in the philanthropic field is that of a foundation officer.

本校之命名是为纪念捐款建校的美籍华侨张振兴先生和夫人。Our school is named after an American-Chinese philanthropic couple, Chong Gene Hang and his wife.

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Rushdoony的政治主张给Ahmanson的慈善计划提供了框架。Rushdoony’s political ideas provided Ahmanson with a framework for his philanthropic machinations.

推荐销售人员参与一个非行业的公益慈善组织。Recommend salesperson to be involved with one non-industry related civic or philanthropic organisation.

这些成果是慈善和政府活动的结果,促进了私营企业的发展。These outcomes were the result of philanthropic and state action, which facilitated private enterprise.

在我说再见前,我想告诉我的歌迷们一个贴近我心思的新慈善事业。Before I say good-bye, I wish to tell my fans about a new philanthropic project that is close to my heart.

樊胜根还呼吁慈善组织“全面整合到全球粮食保障议程中”。Fan also called on philanthropic organisations to be "fully integrated in the global food security agenda".

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她现在的同志中有个叫诺伏德伏罗夫的,讲到她时总是戏称她为慈善迷。One of her present companions, Novodvoroff, said of her that she devoted herself to philanthropic amusements.

您的公众号召力和在政界、慈善界的影响力都分别达到了一定的水平。Sir, you've now been at several different levels of both public power and political and philanthropic influence.

然后,Twitter账号@THON出现了,它是最大的学生运作的慈善组织,由PSU的学生负责运营。Then @THON came along. THON is the largest student run philanthropic organization and is run by students at PSU.