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假如你往东看,能够看到大海。If you look eastwards , you can see the sea.

于是我又爬下来,朝东走去。So I climbed down again, and walked eastwards.

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那时这个教堂东端比大门还要靠东。The east end of the Chapel projects farther eastwards than the Great Gate.

无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来。Leaves are continuing to fall endlessly, and the Changkiang is rolling on eastwards.

那篇我为了东迁而写的文章最终却毁了我在伊斯坦布尔的生活。The article I wrote to help me move eastwards ultimately undermined my life in Istanbul.

远处炼铁厂的高音喇叭在放着歌曲,几面红旗向东飘摆。The tweeter of far ironworks is putting song standard of a few flame waves eastwards place.

来自中国,陈随后蔓延到越南向南和向东至韩国和日本。From China, Chan subsequently spread southwards to Vietnam and eastwards to Korea and Japan.

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少数大白鲨经直布罗陀海峡,最终向东游到了地中海。A handful eventually reached the Mediterranean by swimming eastwards through the Straits of Gibraltar.

一到海里,这些鸟迅速朝东游向南印度洋,调查发现。Once at sea, the birds swiftly swam eastwards into the southern Indian Ocean, the investigators found.

乌莱从西面位于戈壁的嘉峪关出发,向东行走。Ulay started from the western end of the Wall, the Jiayuguan Gate in the Gobi Desert walking eastwards.

二是从俄罗斯的地缘政治环境的历史发展规律看北约东扩对俄罗斯的影响。Second, analyses the influence of NATO's eastwards expansion on Russia from its historical develop view.

这都要归功于风向和洋流,在它们的作用下,我们所在的冰面先是往东漂移,后来从某一天起,我们又开始往西漂去。Thanks to the wind and sea patterns, we were drifting firstly eastwards and then one day started going west.

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这一段叫中央太平洋铁路,火车以萨克拉门托为起点。The Central Pacific, taking Sacramento for its starting-point, extends eastwards to meet the road from Omaha.

剑光犹若流萤,轻飘无声的往东方锦的肩膀刺去。Sword only still whether stream Ying, easily drift breathed eastwards the shoulder sting of square brocade go.

在商朝日益衰落的时候,来自西部黄土高原的周国却日益强盛,势力不断向东扩张。As the Shang declined, the State of Zhou on the Loess Plateau in the west grew stronger and expanded eastwards.

建设沿海城市福州市决定唯一的发展方向,坚定地向东发展。The construction of the coastal city of Fuzhou city decided the only direction of development is firmly eastwards development.

黄河最后的六百英里,向东流过平坦肥沃、人口密集的华北平原。For its last 600 miles the Yellow River flows eastwards through the flat , fertile ,North China Plain ,which is densely populated.

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我国古代的国家都城在黄河中游反复迁移,以至最后东迁南迁。The ancient capital site of China removed constantly in the middle reaches of the Yellow River, and at last moved eastwards and southwards.

对美国来说,这个冬天是自1984-85年以来最寒冷的,对德克萨斯州东部以南的大部分地区来说是史上十大最寒冷的冬天之一。For the US as a whole it was the coldest winter since 1984-85, and most southern areas from Texas eastwards had one of their 10 coldest winters on record.

我们未能成功实现美国梦的故事可能早已是陈词滥调,然而我们向东迁移寻根的欲望却绝不平庸。While our failure to adjust to the American dream may sound clichéd, our desire to move eastwards was far from the banal interest in discovering our roots.