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浮计的原理是以阿基米德定律为根据的。Hydrometers is based on the Archimedes Law.

阿基米德在泡澡时灵感迸发。Archimedes had his eureka moment in the bath.

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你还记得阿基米德在洗澡的例子吗?Do you remember the example of Archimedes in the bath?

阿基米得人起初针对CD-ROM构建他们的素材资料。The folks at Archimedes initially built their stuff for CD ROM.

学者们怀疑,阿基米德的故事可能出于杜撰。Scholars suspect the story of Archimedes isn't even entirely true.

给我一支杠杆,我能撬起地球。——阿基米德。"Give me where to stand, and I will move the world. " --- Archimedes.

可是那时,阿基米德正在他的实验室里画他的图形。But that time, Archimedes just at his laboratory inside painting his sketch.

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阿基米德,一位伟大的物理学家,发现了浮体原理。Archimedes , a great physicist , discovered the principle of floating bodies.

他深受古希腊哲学的影响,他是阿基米德的追随者。He was heavily influenced by Greek philosophy and a great admirer of Archimedes.

该方法的实质是用阿基米德螺旋线去逼近离散椭圆。The principle of this method is to use Archimedes spiral to approaching ellipse.

我们将需要思考阿基米德在他洗澡之前做了什么。We will need to consider about what Archimedes had done before he took the bath.

试想,有多少人曾经在阿基米德发出胜利的呼喊前沐浴?How many millions of baths were taken before Archimedes had his “Eureka!” moment?

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当阿基米德坐进澡盆时,水位当然就上升。As Archimedes settled himself in the bathtub the level of the water rose, of course.

这些图解适用于阿基米德滚刀、对数螺线滚刀、以及全切式滚刀。These charts cover Archimedes hobs, logarithmic spiral hobs as well as topping hobs.

当然,控制自然的想法从古就有,例如,Phaeton或Archimedes。Of course, the idea of control of nature is ancient—for example, Phaeton or Archimedes.

在当时,克特西比乌斯作为发明家的名气,可以与工程师中的传奇人物阿基米德相媲美。At the time, Ktesibios 's fame as an inventor rivaled that of the legendary engineer Archimedes.

我猜测,阿基米德实际上已经就此思考了很长时间。I'm very suspicious that actually Archimedes had been thinking about that problem for a long time.

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西拉库斯国王曾经请阿基米德测定一顶金王冠有没有杂质。The king of Syracuse once asked Archimedes to determine whether a gold crown had been adulterated.

阿基米德擅长思考啊他从洗澡盆中溢出的水里悟出浮力的存在。Archimedes good at thinking, he spilled water from the bathtub in the presence of buoyancy realize.

对于阿基米德,他在沙盘里画的圆,比他的生命还重要。Regarding Archimedes , he in the sand table the picture circle, is also more important than his life.