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因为一座伟大的博物馆取决于伟大的博物管理员工。Because a great museum depends on a great curatorial staff.

佳丝瑞•比肯黛尼是最新加入我们策展团队的。Jaishri Abichandani is the newest addition to the curatorial team.

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下载展览场刊、策展宣言、评论我作品的文章。Download the catalogue , curatorial statement and review of my work.

下面我抄录了馆内收藏员关于这些炮的纪录。I have reproduced the Curatorial records for both of the guns below.

因为一座伟大的博物馆取决于伟大的博物管理员工。Murck said. “Because a great museum depends on a great curatorial staff.

在中国的艺术圈子里面,这样的展览可以称做“大跳跃”。In Chinese curatorial terms, the show could be called a Great Leap Somewhere.

最近,她开始在伦敦金史密斯大学策展和视觉文化学院攻读博士课程。D. of the Curatorial and Visual Culture departments at Goldsmiths College in London.

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作为画家的追求并不妨碍将与其追求风马牛不相及的艺术家作为其策展对象。As a painter pursue not cloggy will pursue irrelevant artist as its curatorial object.

即便如此,作品很少表现出任何连接的基本馆藏的想法。Even so, the works selected rarely demonstrated any link to the basic curatorial idea.

所以我们从您这里得到了一篇很好的策展序言,那假设让我着迷。So we do have from you a splendid curatorial statement, a hypothesis that fascinates me.

以后,这些艺术作品将在多伦现代美术馆的展览中展出。Both are interning in the curatorial department of the Duolun Museum of Modern Art this summer.

如果说表情符号鼓励的是视觉上的双关俏皮和异想天开的并置,那么GIF激发的是锐利的策划能力。If emoji encourage visual puns and whimsical juxtapositions, GIFs inspire a sharp curatorial sensibility.

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他坚信行动的力量与主观知识在当代的意义,坚信策展是一种直接在历史暗房中进行的实践性的写作。He also firmly believes in curatorial work as a form of 'writing in practice' within the dark room of history.

最近,她开始在伦敦金史密斯大学策展和视觉文化学院攻读博士课程。She is currently in her Ph. D. of the Curatorial and Visual Culture departments at Goldsmiths College in London.

同时,他为许多澳大利亚、美国和英国的广播,新闻,出版,和电影项目做出了贡献。He has contributed to many broadcast, press, publishing, curatorial and film projects in Australia, the USA and UK.

目前,亚洲最专业的馆制机构为日本金泽的二十一世纪美术馆。Currently, the mostprofessional curatorial institution in Asia is the 21st-century museum of contemporaryart in Kanazawa, Japan.

这一大型美术馆以正面带有小型草坪的开放式庭院空间为特色。This large gallery features an open courtyard space in front with a small lawn. Its curatorial program focuses on up-and-coming artists.

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这个展览之所以选择这种展出方式,还有另外一层意义,它也是与我个人的策展经验有关的一个话题。This presentational format has another special significance, and it is also a subject which is related with my own curatorial experience.

作为一个雕塑建筑,该博物馆的不定形外形将是墨西哥城的当代新图标,同时也是一个功能性场馆空间。Conceived as a sculpture, the museum's amorphous form will be a contemporary icon for Mexico City that is also a functional curatorial space.

“慧慧”和“床内戏”已于阿根廷巡迴完毕。下载展览场刊、策展宣言、评论我作品的文章。The tour show of "Inside a Bed" and "Rati" finished touring in Argentina. Download the catalogue, curatorial statement and review of my work.