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什么是土地退化?What is land degradation?

堕落怕就是这样传染开的吧。Such was the contagiousness of degradation.

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土地退化对于健康意味着什么?What does land degradation mean for health?

在乙腈中未发现降解。No degradation of otilonium was found in acetonitrile.

它还是土地和水资源退化的一大根源。It is also a major source of land and water degradation.

钱忠说陈王派人来递降表。Chen Wang Qian Zhong said to send someone to degradation.

环糊精是淀粉的天然降解产品。Cyclodextrins are natural degradation products of starch.

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在漫长岁月中因内疚,后悔和自责而不断消逝。In a long, slow degradation of guilt and regret and blame.

丁草胺在不同类型水中的光化学降解。Photochemical degradation of butachlor in different water.

在畜牧场,氨是由生物降解形成的。In stock yards ammonia is formed by biological degradation.

探讨了TBA的臭氧氧化过程的降解机理。The degradation mechanism of TBA by ozonation was explored.

用同样方法可以降解HCHO和苯酚。The same method can be used and phenol degradation of HCHO.

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逐步强化和优雅降级又是什么?And what is Progressive Enhancement and Graceful Degradation?

LAS的降解率与菌体细胞的生长率同步。The rate of LAS degradation in step with the rate of growing.

加入氮源能促进生长和苯酚降解。Adding nitrogen source can promote its growth and degradation.

大众的笑是普遍堕落的同谋。The laughter of all is the accomplice of universal degradation.

唯一严肃的地方是把塔希提岛奚落了一番。The only serious stress is laid upon the degradation of tahiti.

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举办奥运会是否将会使环境退化?Will there be environmental degradation because of the Olympics?

核心蛋白在一个特定基因型的方式和IRS1退化。Core protein and IRS1 degradation in a genotype- specific manner.

研究了阿维菌素在水库水中的微生物降解。Microbial degradation of Abamectin in reservoir water was studied.