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粘粘的,稠稠的,蓝色的胶,新鲜的胶,稠稠的,粘粘的。Gooey. Gooey. Blue goo. New goo. Gluey. Gluey.

透明质酸是十九世纪八十年代在一种胶黏糖中发现的。Hyaluronan is a long, gooey sugar discovered in the 1970s.

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加拿大粘稠的沥青砂中所含的石油可与沙特阿拉伯相比。The gooey tar-sands of Canada contain almost as much oil as Saudi Arabia.

大量巨大的葡萄逐渐喷涌出来,给地鼠的内脏提供胶粘物。A gazillion of gigantic grapes gushed gradually giving gophers gooey guts.

确切来讲,角鲨烯是从鲨鱼的肝脏中榨取出的胶粘油性物质。Specifically, squalene is the gooey oil squeezed from the liver of a shark.

甜菜由撕离开一部奇怪地粘乎乎的塑料电影仅仅是可存取的。The dessert is only accessible by tearing off a strangely gooey plastic film.

若是要均匀的溶化棉花糖,最好的方法就是微波炉了。I think the best way to achieve perfectly uniform gooey deliciousness is to nuke it.

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正常的分泌物组织因人而异,有些薄而微粘,有些厚而粘稠。Normal vaginal fluids vary in texture from thin and slightly sticky to thick and gooey.

并非每对情侣都通过黏软的巧克力、冰激凌或蛋挞来传达情意。Not every couple will be brought together over gooey chocolate, ice cream -- or even egg tarts.

有时候我很想吃蒜香土豆泥或者粘粘的巧克力蛋糕,我就会吃。Every once in a while, I crave garlic mashed potatoes or gooey chocolate brownies and I go for it!

另外对于小面积的破裂可用于502瞬间胶或大力胶粘接。Can use at 502 instants to the burst of small area additionally glue or energetically gooey receive.

在水中煮亚麻籽会煮成一种可减轻咽喉和支气管道疼痛的浓稠、粘性的凝胶体。Boiling flaxseeds in water gives you a thick, gooey gel that soothes the throat and the bronchial tract.

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一对年轻情侣漫步在沙滩上,甩着手臂,肉麻地讨论着他们对彼此的感情。A young couple was walking along a beach, swinging hands and discussing their mutual affection with gooey falseness.

气味分子进入我们鼻子里的气味中心,然后穿过鼻子里黏液的物体即是鼻涕,再降落在特定的感觉器官上。They travel to your nose's smell centers. There they dive through gooey mucous – snot – to fit onto special smell cells.

冲上沙滩之前,油块经过“风化”,在空气和海水作用下变得泡沫化,有粘性。Before landing on the beach, the oil had become "weathered, " made foamy and gooey by extended exposure to air and water.

在一次实验中,凯斯勒博士买了两块黏黏的巧克力曲奇饼干。In an experiment of one, Dr. Kessler tested his willpower by buying two gooey chocolate chip cookies that he didn’t plan to eat.

它像橡胶一样发粘,有弹性,可以用来玩或用来粘去家具上的狗毛。它就是弹性橡皮泥。It's gooey like rubber. It bounces and it stretches. Play with it, or use it to take dog hair off the furniture. It's Silly Putty.

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这一过程包括擦一点下腹部的粘性物质、并用一个棒在肚子上游走来察看肚子里的事物。The procedure involves rubbing a gooey substance on your abdomen and gliding a wand across your belly to photograph what’s inside.

蜜糖山核桃派和甘薯配以脆果汁软糖的诱惑使克制成为一种想象。Temptations of gooey pecan pie and dense sweet potatoes topped with crackly marshmallows make it seem impossible to be disciplined.

放入砂浆柠檬汁,亚麻籽油,蛋,银杏,人参,并与杵研磨,直到药水是糊糊。Place the lemon juice, flaxseed oil, egg, maidenhair and ginseng in the mortar, and grind with the pestle until the potion is gooey.